Martin Freer (Matthew Barr) School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, UK On Behalf of: R3B, Birmingham, LPC……… Correlations at the limits
Hindi et al.
AMD Calculations Y Kanada En’yo et al.
AMD for Boron Isotopes
Coulomb Explosion of Molecules Max Planck CEI results for H + 3. Plotted is the sum of the relative velocities of the three protons. v a is directly related to the initial size of the molecule, which reflects the symmetric stretch normal mode. The triangles for storage times 2 s. The solid curve shows a Monte Carlo simulation of the Coulomb explosion process based on the vibrational ground state. The dashed and dotted lines show the first (1,0 0 ) and second (2,0 0 ) excited states of the symmetric stretch mode, respectively. Holger Kreckel, Annemieke Petrignani, Oldřich Novotný, Kyle Crabtree, Henrik Buhr, Benjamin J. McCall, Andreas Wolf
Pioneering Experiments at GANIL
Target No - Target Coincidence Charged Particle Detection
Target No - Target Neutron Detection
R 3 B - GSI
12 Be + carbon target
Beryllium 7 Be (368.4 MeV/u), 9 Be (378.2 MeV/u), 10 Be (315.3, and MeV/u), 11 Be (266.5, and MeV/u), 12 Be (366.8 and MeV/u) Boron 8 B (427.5 MeV/u), 10 B (291.0 and MeV/u), 11 B (393.1 MeV/u), 12 B (533.3 MeV/u), 13 B (467.3 MeV/u), 14 B (412.6 and MeV/u) and 15 B (395.9 MeV/u) 490 MeV/nucleon 40 Ar beam incident on a 4g/cm 2 Be target carbon targets of thickness 3.0 and 5.1 mm
Boron Beryllium Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron
9 Be 10 Be 7 Be 8 Be 11 Be 12 Be
AMD for 10 Be
Present Outlook: Measurements indicate sensitivity to clustering -Need to measure momentum distributions (GFS) -Need to develop broader systematics Thanks to R3B collaboration and Matthew Barr