Communities First - Working in partnership to support families. Martin Davies - Communities First Programme Integration Manager, Welsh Government, Communities Division
2 ESF funded project looking at how Communities First, Flying Start and Families First can work in a more consistent, joined up way, nationally, regionally and locally. National Integration Manager Four Regional Integration Managers (covering Cwm Taf, Gwent, West Wales and North Wales ) Communities First and Other Tackling Poverty Programmes which Impact on Health and Wellbeing
3 Communities First is a community focussed programme that supports the Welsh Government’s Tackling Poverty agenda. The programme has three strategic objectives: –Prosperous Communities –Learning Communities –Healthier Communities Each Cluster has produced a Community Involvement Plan Each Cluster has produced a delivery plan, setting out how it will deliver outcomes which support the three strategic objectives. Communities First
4 The core elements of the programme are drawn from a range of options that have been shown to influence positive outcomes for children and their families. These include: Free quality, part-time childcare for 2-3 year olds. An enhanced Health Visiting service. Access to Parenting Programmes. Early Language Development. This programme is universally available to all eligible children and their families in the areas in which it runs. Flying Start
5 Emphasises prevention and early intervention for families, particularly those living in poverty and works alongside the support offered by our other programmes: –Flying Start; –Communities First; and –The Integrated Family Support Service. Every local authority has developed a Families First Action Plan ( ). The plans will be delivered at the local level with partner organisations under the guidance of Families First delivery groups. Families First
6 Greater coherence and improved alignment between programmes and services is a ministerial priority. At this point, the intention is NOT to amalgamate programmes. There is great potential for the Families Information Service to support joined up working. There is already joined up working happening but this is usually as a result of local arrangements. The challenge is to make this systemic. Integration and Alignment of Programmes and Services
7 Family Information Service presentations to staff from Families First/Communities First/Flying Start in Wrexham. Jointly facilitated financial awareness training for parents in Caia Park/Hightown cluster - organised by Communities First but paid for by Family Information Service. Information Outreach events in Communities First Locations Some Examples from Wrexham
8 A shared post with Wrexham FIS and other partners to support parents under 25 to find employment. Childcare brokerage officer in Wrexham and Flintshire to work with families and childcare providers to secure childcare places for disabled children. Joined-up Working Between FIS Teams - Some Examples from Wrexham and Flintshire
9 Does your local Family Information Service know what your programme offers? Do you know what programmes are operating in your area? Do you know what the programmes in your area offer and to whom? Some Questions for Consideration – Information Sharing
10 Do you share objectives with any of the other programmes working in your area? Are there opportunities for joined-up working? Are there barriers to joined –up working? Some Questions for Consideration - Joined-up working
11 Promoting Family Learning in the Early Years Supporting Young People to Do Well at School Supporting Families to be Engaged in their Childrens’ Education Financial Inclusion - Improving Financial Capability, managing debt and raising income Supporting a Flying Start in the Early Years (Ages 0-7) Communities First Outcomes which might support joint working
For further information, contact: Betsan Ifan (Anglesey, Conwy, Denbighshire and Gwynedd) Emma Davies (Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly and Torfaen) Geraint Evans (Merthyr Tydfil and RCT) Nicky Sandford (Bridgend, Carmarthenshire, Neath and Port Talbot, Pembrokehire and Swansea). 12
13 Welsh Assembly Government Communities Division Rhydycar, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1UZ Thank you