Sreeja S.Nair National Institute of Disaster Management
Data requirements and phases of Disaster management Compendium of Environmental statistics by CSO Opportunities and Challenges – Disaster Managers perspective. Brief about Hazard and Disaster Statistics, NIDM-CSO framework
Hazard related data – magnitude, Frequency and spatial distribution Vulnerability data : Physical, Socio economic and environmental Disaster data – damages and loss
Pre-disaster phase : hazard Mapping, Vulnerability Analysis, Assessing Risk, developing decision support systems for early warning and effective response Post disaster phase : Rapid Situation Analysis, need analysis, relief distribution, damage and loss assessment and recovery planning
The Compendium of Environment Statistics, prepared under the broad framework by the United Nations Statistical Division adopted by CSO in 1996 and published since 1997 Five parameters ◦ Biodiversity ◦ Atmosphere ◦ Land and Soil ◦ Water ◦ Human Settlements
Land Uses: Land Uses contains nine fold land classification followed in India, and different land use patterns. Agriculture: Agriculture contains information on area under principal crops; performance of crop production; use of agricultural inputs; consumption of pesticides statewise and their effect on soil Mining: The section on Mining gives data on number of mines, production of minerals, mining machinery and consumption of explosives in mining, and status of afforestation.
Natural disasters : A section on Natural disasters included in the recent compendium (2010) The section on Natural Disasters contains information on frequently occurring natural disasters; recent natural disasters in India; major earthquakes; number of drought-prone districts and damages due to droughts and cyclonic storms. 7 hazards are included
data on rain water, surface water, ground water and water quality etc are elaborated and analyzed. information on rainfall water flow in streams and ground water resources; water quality criteria and water quality monitoring, Water pollution causes and effects etc
Mainly about Population and Poverty; Housing, Slums and Basic Facilities; and Waste Management Information on population size, infant mortality rate, and expectation of life at birth, population below the poverty line housing conditions and basic facilities, Slums, homeless population solid waste and hazardous material management etc.
A national level system – Institutionalized mechanism Network of trained professionals experienced in capturing data Annual Publication and freely accessible Water related data : Surface and ground water and rainfall Attempt towards capturing Disaster data as part of Environmental Statistics Human development/ vulnerability data, elaborate and captures indicators Land degradation, soil erosion,deforestation,Mining
Environmental data is understood more in the context of pollution e.g. atmospheric data Not having data from all the states,most of the data is at National level/ state level Only 7 hazards are included, different time periods, levels and indicators makes it difficult to make comparative analysis Limited Domain knowledge on data requirements, availability and sources Accessibility to disaster data
Although different agencies are capturing data for Disaster management at various levels, no uniform pattern across different states There was no statistical system to capture and compile the data on disasters (damages and losses) till now Conceptual framework was developed jointly by NIDM and CSO in 2007 April NIDM entrusted with the responsibility of compiling hazard Statistics and CSO -Disaster Statistics
NIDM – Compiled hazard related statistics form IMD, GSI, CWC, Health Department data collected so far Details of Major Accident Hazard units are not available at district level IDSP project data on epidemics and disease outbreaks are available since Capturing data at administrative unit level (district) is a major challenge Training officials with the support of CSO initiated since (Data requirement, sources and accessibility ). Online/blended learning with GIZ