THE OPENSCOTLAND INFORMATION AGE FRAMEWORK. Paul Spence e-Government and Take Up Team Electric Connections - 8 August 2006
Why is Interoperability Important? We take it for granted: banking, travel tickets Integral to EC’s ‘Signposts towards eGovernment i2010’ European Interoperability Framework Reform of Scottish public services – Customer First, Shared Services, Efficient Government.
Governance – Common Infrastructure Standards Advisory Group (CISAG) Strategic cross-organisational Developed, maintains and governs OSIAF Promotes common standards Considers implications of European and UK standards policies for Scotland
Governance – Senior Implementers Group (SIG) Replaces CISAG Technical Assurance Co- ordinator in original version of OSIAF Peer Review Private Sector input via Intellect UK Assurance for submissions to the OSIAF approval process Reports to CISAG on strategic issues
Governance – Community Specific Interoperability Groups (CSIGs) Formed from multi-agency projects or by people with common purpose Identifies technical standards for adoption. Identifies gaps within OSIAF framework Addresses interoperability issues between programmes/third parties Links in to SIG
Roles – OSIAF Co-ordinator Each organisation should have one Responsible for awareness within organisation Point of contact for Scottish Executive It is not a technical role Let us know who your co-ordinator is:
Roles – OSIAF Technical Assurance Co-ordinator Programme or project based Responsible for technical compliance with OSIAF: document technical assurance framework submit new and developing standards to OSIAF, Govtalk or another relevant body for approval liaise with or participate in CSIG register with the Scottish Executive:
Standards OSIAF includes: e-GIF –Metadata –Web Accessibility – Level AA WAI recommended –Smartcards Security OSIAF update will include: Common infrastructures Updated e-GIF
Standards Submission Govtalk for local-central government XML schema Local government or Scottish-specific only schema should be submitted to OSIAF Tell us early – even if you’re only thinking about developing a standard! [click on ‘standards’ then ‘submission’]
Procurement EC Procurement Directive (2004/18/EC) Consider: including role and importance of OSIAF asking whether solution is compliant with OSIAF and to describe in full where it is not requesting evidence that solution is compliant, in full or in part requesting that where the solution does not comply with OSIAF, that supplier commits to working towards compliance
Resources and Help e-GIF Accreditation Authority e-GIF Certification e-GIF Compliance Assessment Service OSIAF e-Learning material
What’s Next? OSIAF Revised Version Promotion Compliance and Audit Best Value Funding Gateway Review Internal Audit
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