Planning and Transportation Regeneration Scrutiny Select Committee Minerals Planning Update 25 th April 2013 Agenda Item ????
Minerals and the Planning System Minerals Development Plan Document Salford’s Mineral Resources Peat Sand & Gravel Coal Unconventional Gas Presentation Overview
Minerals and the Planning System National minerals planning policy is set out in NPPF. NPPF says that minerals are essential to support sustainable economic growth and quality of life. It is important to ensure a sufficient supply of minerals but as they are a finite resource it is important to make best use of them.
Minerals and the Planning System Salford City Council has statutory role as the ‘Mineral Planning Authority’ and is required to plan for the sustainable use of minerals. This role includes: Preparing minerals planning policies and identifying suitable locations for minerals development Determining minerals planning applications Enforcement of planning control Monitoring minerals sites to ensure compliance with conditions Review of old minerals permissions Preparing Local Aggregate Assessment
Minerals DPD Joint Minerals Plan provides a minerals planning framework for Greater Manchester. Adoption of Plan set for the end of April Aim: Protect local communities and the natural and built environment Safeguard potentially economically viable mineral resources Provide a steady and adequate supply of minerals to meet GM’s needs
Salford’s Mineral Resources Sand & Gravel – Astley Moss Peat – Little Woolden Moss, Astley Moss Coal - Cutacre Coal Bed Methane – Barton Moss
Extraction at Astley Moss
Insert Picture of Astley Astley Moss Astley Moss Sand & Gravel
Peat Peat Harvesting
Peat Peat Sites In Salford
Cutacre Open Cast Coal Site
Site on Salford/Wigan/Bolton border Permission granted on appeal in 2001 subject to conditions for the winning and working of coal by opencast methods and reclamation and restoration of land In total, 1,150,160 tonnes of coal extracted. Last load of coal left site on 20 th June Work now focussed on restoring the site – no more coal extraction. Bolton’s Core Strategy identifies part of Cutacre for strategic employment uses – planning applications now anticipated in the coming months for employment uses and Country Park. Cutacre Open Cast Coal Site
Number of types of unconventional gas including: –Coal Bed Methane –Shale Gas –Coal Mine Methane Unconventional Gas
Coal Bed Methane Generic name given to gases locked into coal measures Released by drilling directly into unworked coal seams Surface infrastructure usually comprises a small compound Extraction of coalbed methane does not involve ‘fracking’ Unconventional Gas
Barton Moss
Planning permission granted for drilling 2 exploratory boreholes for Coal Bed Methane (CBM), appraisal and production on land north of Barton Moss road was granted in This planning permission does not allow for fracking to take place Works to date include the building of an access road, a compacted course aggregate on a membrane to distribute the weight over the moss to mark out the site compound, 3 drill cellars have been built (preparation work for the drill rig) and the site is enclosed by Heras fencing. Drilling works are yet to commence on site. Unconventional Gas
Shale Gas How Shale Gases are worked Regulation of Fracking Operations Government Approach to Fracking Unconventional Gas