Jeopardy!!!!! Plants/Bryophytes/Ferns
$ $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $500 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy
Composes the cell walls of plants What is cellulose? Return
Waxy layer on stems and leaves What is the cuticle? Return
Plants with a tube-like system of vessels What are vascular plants? Return
The underground stem of a fern What is a rhizome? Return
What is a frond? The leaf of a fern Return
Spore-producing structures of a fern What are sori? Return
Structures that have a capsule where spores are produced What are sporophytes? Return
4 characteristics of plants What are: all are multicellular, most contain chlorophyll, all have cell walls, and all are eukaryotic? Return
2 examples of Bryophytes What are mosses and liverworts? Return
3 things that nonvascular plants do not have that other plants have What are leaves, roots, and seeds? Return
These hold moss plants in place, and are threads made up of a few long cells What are rhizoids? Return
Ferns are the most abundant of the _____. What are seedless vascular plants? Return
The form of a moss plant that produces gametes What is the gametophyte? Return
What is alternation of generations? A continual cycle that alternates between sporophyte and gametophyte Return
Structures that form spores found on the lower surface of a fern leaf What are sori? Return
The root-like filaments of a moss What are rhizoids? Return
A simple, rootless plant that has a flattened, leaflike body What is a liverwort? Return
The underground stem of a fern What is a rhizome? Return
Long, tubular cells that carry water, minerals, and nutrients through some types of plants What is vascular tissue? Return
The threadlike green structure that results from a germinating moss spore What is a protonema? Return
The heart-shaped structure that forms from a spore of a fern What is the prothallus? Return
This is necessary for the gametes of a moss to reach each other to form a zygote What is rain or dew? Return
These are pigments other than chlorophyll that can be found in plants What are carotenoids? Return
Another example of a seedless, vascular plant (besides ferns) What are horsetails, club mosses, and spike mosses? Return
An asexually-formed cell that can grow into a new plant under the right conditions What is a spore? Return
FINAL JEOPARDY ? Division Name
The division name for seedless, non-vascular plants What are Bryophytes? Return