New Teacher Orientation July 2014 Wilson County Schools
What is Professional Development?Number of Professional Development Days RequiredRegistering for Professional Development Sessions Receiving Credit for Attending Professional Development Checking your Professional Development TranscriptContacts for Assistance with Professional Development Agenda Back to school
Professional Development – What is it? Activities that: Are data driven based on student’s needs. Increase educator effectiveness. Curriculum revision, evaluation, mapping, and/or pacing. Are specific trainings for instructional assignments. Are consistent with needs identified at the building and/or system level Workshops, seminars, institutes, state sponsored activities. Pre-approved Book Studies. Pre-approved On-Line Modules. What is NOT Professional Development Parent/Teacher Nights Working in your room Putting grades in computer Coaching clinics/cheerleading clinics College courses for credit PD sessions not related to your teaching assignment (you must be part of the target audience) Grading papers What is Professional Development
Professional Development How many days are required? Teachers are required to have a minimum of 5 In-Service days per year. 3 Days (18 hours) are scheduled into the school calendarschool calendar 2 Days (6 hours) are the teacher’s responsibility ALL HOURS MUST BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 2, 2015.
Go to on using your username and passwordSelect Education & TrainingSelect Available In-ServiceClick on session to view detailsSelect Register Professional Development Registering for Professional Development
Professional Development Receiving Credit for Attending Sessions SIGN IN OR Get prior approval* from your instructional supervisor to attend a workshop or session and then submit a certificate of attendance to your instructional supervisor within 1 week of the event. * Conference request must be submitted if PD is outside of district/county.
Professional Development Leading Professional Development Sessions Submit a proposal to the appropriate instructional supervisor for approval.proposal A detailed log detailing preparation time will be required along with an agenda for the session. Teachers may be awarded up to 3 hours of credit for the preparation of the session. Presenters are responsible for submitting sign in sheets.
Professional Development Checking your Transcript Log into Select My In-Service Events Select the Start and End Dates Select Download Records An administrator from each school will ask you to print and sign your transcript as verification that you completed your required hours. You will verify your transcript in December and April. Reminder: All Hours must be completed by April 2 nd !
Back to school Who to contact for help! Bill Moss : CTE & Kim Clemmons Instructional Technology & Textbooks Jennifer Cothron Foreign Language, Math, and Science Scott Walters : 6-12 Social Studies, ELA, Librarians Yvonne Smith Angela Rohen Stan Moss Chuck Whitlock Physical Donna Smith : Technical Assistance
Wondershare softwareNew Teacher Orientation July 2014