Lab 9 Bryophytes
Land Plants General features of the green plants Common name: Land plants Synonyms: Embryophytes, Kingdom Plantae Habitat: Terrestrial, some secondarily freshwater or marine Growth habit: Multicellular; thallus, or stems, roots, and leaves Undulipodia (“flagella”): Whiplash (2 to 1000+) on sperm cells only, or none
Land Plants Clonal reproduction: Multicellular propagules, vegetative Sexual reproduction: Heteromorphic alternation of generations Included Phyla: Hepatophyta, Anthocerophyta, Bryophyta, Lycophyta, Psilotophyta, Sphenophyta, Pterophyta, Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Coniferophyta, Gnetophyta, Anthophyta Recognized by: Embryonic sporophytes, airborne meiospores, cuticle
Hepatophyta General features of the land plants Common name: Liverworts Synonyms: Marchantiophyta Growth habit: Multicellular; thallus, or stems and leaves Undulipodia (“flagella”): Two whiplash
Hepatophyta Conductive cells: None Clonal reproduction: Gemmae (multicellular propagules) Sexual reproduction: Homosporous Representative genera: Marchantia, Porella Recognized by: Sporophytes with short setae, short capsules, and elaters; leaves (if present) without midribs
Marchantia, other genera Hepatophyta
Marchantia gemma cup
Marchantia antheridiophores Hepatophyta
Marchantia antheridiophore Hepatophyta
Marchantia archegoniophores Hepatophyta
Marchantia archegoniophore Hepatophyta
Marchantia sporophytes Hepatophyta
Marchantia mature sporophyte Hepatophyta
Porella preserved gametophyte Hepatophyta
Porella antheridiophore Hepatophyta
Porella archegoniophore Hepatophyta
Porella sporophyte Hepatophyta
Porella sporophyte Hepatophyta
Anthocerophyta General features of the land plants Common name: Hornworts Synonyms: None Growth habit: Multicellular; thallus Undulipodia (“flagella”): Two whiplash
Anthocerophyta Conductive cells: None Clonal reproduction: None Sexual reproduction: Homosporous Representative genera: Anthoceros Recognized by: Thalloid gametophyte; sporophyte with long capsule
Anthoceros Anthocerophyta
Anthoceros antheridia Anthocerophyta
Anthoceros Anthocerophyta
Anthoceros foot Anthocerophyta
Anthoceros meiosporangium Anthocerophyta
Bryophyta General features of the land plants Common name: Mosses Synonyms: Muscophyta Growth habit: Multicellular; stems and leaves Undulipodia (“flagella”): Two whiplash
Bryophyta Conductive cells: Leptoids (food) and hydroids (water) Clonal reproduction: Gemmae (multicellular propagules) Sexual reproduction: Homosporous Representative genera: Mnium, Polytrichum Recognized by: Sporophytes with long setae and peristomes, leafy gametophytes
Assorted mosses Bryophyta
Moss protonema Bryophyta
Mnium stem Bryophyta
Mnium antheridia Bryophyta
Moss archegonium Bryophyta
Mnium mature sporophyte Bryophyta
Moss peristome Bryophyta
Distinguishing the sporophytes