David Coyote’s Den Presents Photo Gallery 7 Slides advance at 20 second intervals, or by clicking anywhere on the screen.
on sun-warmed log lies old red-eared slider, neck arched ignores young 'gator
green duck-weed carpet bank to bank, covers water three white lotus blooms
ancient cypress trees Spanish Moss drapes limbs, no breeze a blue heron lands
July swamp sunrise five egrets at water's edge bull frog submerges
in quiet waters crayfish surround fish carcass splash. an otter feeds
hollowed cypress stump one foot above high water sleeping raccoon stirs
slow narrow bayous tupelo gum branches touch sounds of honey bees
shrimp boat and cabins quiet now in late July a breeze - then silence
Honey Island swamp summer doesn't surrender fall colors climb trees
All photography and haiku in this presentation are copyright protected. © David Coyote Thanks for stopping by.