1 Penns Grove-Carneys Point Regional School District Budget Presentation May 5, 2014
2 BUDGET GOALS Maintenance of Facilities to Enhance the Safety and Learning Environment of Staff and Students. Continued Support of the New Jersey Evaluation Platforms. Teachers Administrators Professional Development Enhance the quality of programs for successful learning for students based on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Common Core Standards, State Assessment, Transition to Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), MAP Graduation Rate, College and Career Readiness
3 SOURCES OF REVENUE BUDGET Unrestricted State Aid – Operating Budget Categorical/Equalization Aid$21,328,565 Restricted State Aid – Grants & Entitlements Preschool Education Aid$ 866,970 Federal Grant Funds IDEA (100% anticipated)$ 541,416 NCLB (90% anticipated)$ 1,625,362 Race to the Top (Year 4)$ 39,318 Perkins (90% anticipated)$ 12,422 Debt Service Aid – Repayment of Debt (47.86 % of debt requirement)$ 505,736 Other Revenues Misc. (Interest, Rent, Gate Receipts)$ 93,944 Tuition/Transportation$ 1,037,600 Extraordinary Aid$ 210,000 SEMI (Medicaid Reimbursement)$ 54,638
4 MAJOR COST IMPACTORS BUDGET Utilities - Utilities - (Gas, Electric, Phones, Water & Sewer) 6 Buildings – 427,606 sq. ft. of space - $859,301 Employee Benefit Cost Employee Benefit Cost (Social Security, Health/ Prescription Coverage, Pension Contribution, Unused Sick Time and Tuition Reimbursement) - $5,522,210 Property, Liability and Worker’s Compensation Insurance premiums Property, Liability and Worker’s Compensation Insurance premiums -$599,566
5 MAJOR COST IMPACTORS BUDGET Transportation cost - $1,921,055 To/From School – Regular $ 1,005,829 To/From School – Special ED$ 743,374 Co-Curricular/Athletics/Extra Runs$ 80,500 Non-Public/Choice$ 29,350 Other$ 62,002 Tuition to other Schools - $2,636,075 Regular Ed (Alternative HS/MS) $ 72,748 Special Ed $1,755,666 Special Ed (IDEA Funds) $ 541,416 State Facilities $ 119,245 SCVTS Regular $ 147,000
6 DISCRETIONARY EXPENSES Facility Repairs, Maint. & Supplies $ 573,6502% Instructional Supplies & Materials 3,118,923 8% TOTAL DISCRETIONARY $ 3,692,573 10% FIXED EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits $27,318,624 71% Out of District Instruction 2,636,075 7% Transportation 1,921,055 5% Utilities/Insurance/Prof. Serv. 1,610,367 4% Debt Service 1,055,665 3% TOTAL FIXED$34,541,786 90% TOTAL BUDGET $38,234, %
9 High School Security Aide Coordinator of School Counseling STAFFING STAFFING
10 REQUIRED ANNUAL MAINTENANCE Recurring maintenance/ground parts and supplies costs and contracted services are approximately $402,000. Custodial Supplies are approximately $138,150. Accountability Regulations require a work order system to track all maintenance work orders and cost of repair. Under Educational Facilities Construction and Financing Act (EFCFA), schools must budget a minimum dollar amount to maintain their school facilities. Appropriate the minimum dollar amount based on calculation within your budget or put into Capital Reserve. PG-CP must budget a minimum of $122,295 in accordance with the above regulation. 6 Buildings – 427,606 sq. ft./65 Acres
11 COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN Periodic inspection, testing services on HVAC and power supply systems. Periodic inspection, testing services on HVAC and power supply systems. ALL SCHOOLS Repair and localize replacements of system components. Refinishing of interior floors and walls. Repair and localize replacements of system components. Refinishing of interior floors and walls. Localized repair and maintenance of domestic water supply systems, plumbing fixtures and boilers. Localized repair and maintenance of domestic water supply systems, plumbing fixtures and boilers. Inspection and repair of windows doors and roofs. Inspection and repair of windows doors and roofs.
12 COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN (cont.) SCHOOLSUPPLIES/ CONTRACTED SERVICES CAPITALOUTLAYTOTAL Lafayette-Pershing $ 25,000 $ 0 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Field Street 56,000 56,000 0 Paul W. Carleton 25,000 25,000 0 Penns Grove Middle 125, ,000 0 Penns Grove High 105, , , , , ,000 District Wide 24,000 24,000 52,666 52,666 76,666 76, TOTALS: $ 360,000 $ 152,666 $ 512,666 $ 512,666
13 Group purchasing through Consortiums Group purchasing through Consortiums copy paper, natural gas, electric (ACES), custodial supplies, food service items, transportation service cooperative, telecommunications (ACT) copy paper, natural gas, electric (ACES), custodial supplies, food service items, transportation service cooperative, telecommunications (ACT) Member of Joint Insurance Fund (JIF) Member of Joint Insurance Fund (JIF) Shared Service with Other School Districts – Shared Service with Other School Districts – Transportation Transportation (Internet Hub) (Internet Hub) Participation in Smart Start Program – reimbursement for energy efficiency items Participation in Smart Start Program – reimbursement for energy efficiency items
15 SCHOOL TAX DECREASE CALCULATION TAXRATE PENNS GROVE $ Per $100 Assessment CARNEYS POINT $ Per $100 Assessment ANNUALTAXCHANGE$23.61(.06/day) (ON AVERAGE HOME $110,000 $94.61(.26/day) (ON AVERAGE HOME $170,830