Restoration Preservation Masonry, Inc. V. Grove Europe, Ltd.
Accident Site - Longwood Towers 20 Chapel Street, Brookline, MA
Building B Accident Site - Longwood Towers 20 Chapel Street, Brookline, MA
Building B Accident work area in southeast corner
Building B Accident work area in southeast corner
Building B Accident work area in southeast corner
Accident work area in southeast corner - Perspective View
Construction project involved removal of bricks and bull-nose water stone because of water infiltration and leakage issues.
Work area is approx. 80’ above the ground 80 feet
Southeast corner perspective Work area
Access Satellite scaffolding set-up
Chassis assembly Main platform Outriggers
Mast goes up in sections Access Satellite scaffolding set-up Mast attached to building with wall ties
Access Satellite scaffolding set-up platform extension 1 platform extension 4
Access Satellite scaffolding set-up platform extension 5 platform extension 2
Access Satellite scaffolding set-up platform extension 3 platform extension 6
Cantilever extensions (5) cantilever extensions (5) Access Satellite scaffolding set-up
Cantilever extensions - left side
Three different cantilever extension designs used on left side
Three different cantilever extension designs 7’ 8.75” 4’ 11.4” 8’ 2.2” sliding extensions
Access Satellite scaffolding set-up Planks set on top of cantilever extensions
Access Satellite scaffolding set-up plywood sheets set on top of planks
Planks and plywood Access Satellite scaffolding set-up
Guard railings Access Satellite scaffolding set-up
Scaffolding rides up mast
View from below
View from above wall ties
View from above
Area represented by scale model
Accident Sequence
Areas where bull-nose water stone was previously removed
Pieces are cut from bull-nose water stone approx. 5 feet from top of wall to plywood
Cut stone is moved to platform extension #1
Scaffolding collapses
Post-accident photos
Right side of Access Satellite platform post-accident platform extensions 4, 5 & 6 main platform Cantilever extensions covered with planks and plywood mast
Post-accident photo