WOODLANDS ACADEMY TRANSFER Parent consultation 18 th April 2013
Why are we becoming an academy? Government determination that schools in Special Measures should become academies New focus on increasing the number of primary academies Not a question of if – but when Not a question of if – but how
White Paper It is our ambition that Academy status should be the norm for all state schools, with schools enjoying direct funding and full independence from central and local bureaucracy.
Why join the Lynn Grove Academies Trust? We need a sponsor to become an academy What were the options? A local solution Join a large chain Join a smaller establishing chain
Why join the Lynn Grove Academies Trust? Long held aspiration to work closely as a cluster – Lynn Grove Partners in Education A sense of moral purpose and commitment to support the children and families of Bradwell and Gorleston Established track record of effective collaboration in the cluster Transition activities Shared contracts Professional development activities
A FRESH START A one off opportunity New Ofsted Status - Special Measures New school Woodlands Primary Academy – monitoring visit within two terms and then full inspection
What has Lynn Grove Academies Trust got to offer? Outstanding school Extensive experience of collaborative working with schools Former Training School and part of Teaching School Alliance Strong CPD tradition Established strong working relationships A commitment to the young people and children of Bradwell and Gorleston
Things that can’t change Admissions policy SEN policies The imperative to work with other schools Pay and conditions of existing staff
What will change The trust will appoint a new local governing body Name – Woodlands Primary Academy Uniform – new approach at KS2
What will change for the staff They will be employed not by Norfolk LA but by the Lynn Grove Academy Trust Conditions of employment transfer to the new employer (TUPE)
Things that won’t change School day – although intend to improve extended school provision School holidays Parent governors on the Governing Body
Things that won’t change The nursery will become part of the Trust Commission school improvement services from trusted providers (eg Teaching School Alliance) Existing staff will not be required to work in other locations Drive for rapid improvement
Potential Risks Loss of support from LA Undermines local collaboration Loss of individual identity
Any Questions Please feel free to any questions to