C HARACTERS Julian- A twelve year old boy that lives in San Francisco. He is very daring and adventurous. His mother is in China so he has to live with his mean uncle. Danny- Danny is Julian’s best friend. He is very goofy and likes to have a good time. Robin- Robin is a girl Julian met from an she sent his uncle Sibley. She live at Huckle Berry ranch which is right next to Big Tree grove. Ariel- Is Robins best friend that used to live close to Robin but now lives in Phoenix. Sibley- Is Julian’s Father’s brother that is very mean to Julian. He is the CEO of IPX and is planning to cut down Big Tree Grove Daphne- Daphne is Sibley’s wife. She is very mean to Julian and is planning to send him away to math camp all summer in till his mother gets back. Molly- Molly is Robin’s little sister. Molly is also part of Operation Redwood.
O THER C HARACTERS Nancy and Bob- Robin, and Molly and their other siblings parents. Popo- Julian’s Mom’s mother which is his Grandmother Gram- Julian’s father’s mother that is also his grandmother.
S ETTING San Francisco – Julian’s Uncle Sibley and Aunt Daphne's home, Julian’s house, Julian’s school. Huckle Berry ranch- Robin’s house, Big Tree Grove.
P LOT One day Julian was sick and was in his uncle’s office and saw an that says that Sibley is a Jerk. Julian gets in touch with the girl that sent the and finds out that his uncle is cutting down lots of big beautiful redwood trees in this place called Big Tree grove. Julian goes to Robin’s house and makes this thing called Operation Redwood. Robin and Robin’s friend Ariel and Julian and his friend Danny are trying to save Big Tree Grove.
P ROBLEM Julian’s Uncle Sibley is the CEO of IPX and they are planning to cut down all the trees in Big Tree Grove to get lots of money.
S OLUTION Julian, Robin, Danny and Ariel are planning to stay in a tree house in Big Tree Grove so that IPX will not cut the trees down. They also have a news reporter come down to Big Tree Grove and write an article about them so that other people will go against IPX too.