1 Practical Object-sensitive Points-to Analysis for Java Ana Milanova Atanas Rountev Barbara Ryder Rutgers University
2 Points-to Analysis for Java Which objects may reference variable x point to? Builds a points-to graph x = new A(); y = new B(); x.f = y; x o1o1 o2o2 y f
3 Uses of Points-to Information Clients: SE tools and compilers Side-effect analysis Data-flow based testing Call graph construction Interprocedural analyses Program Slicing Coverage analysis Compiler optimizations
4 Existing Practical Points-to Analyses for Java Flow- and context-insensitive Extend existing analyses for C Context insensitivity inherently compromises precision for object-oriented languages Goal: Introduce context sensitivity and remain practical
5 Our Work Object sensitivity Form of context sensitivity for flow-insensitive points-to analysis of OO languages Object-sensitive Andersen’s analysis Object sensitivity applicable to other analyses Parameterization framework Cost vs. precision tradeoff Empirical evaluation Vs. context-insensitive Andersen’s analysis
6 Outline Imprecision of context-insensitive analysis Object-sensitive analysis Parameterization Empirical results Related work Summary and future work
7 The Imprecision of Context-insensitive Analysis Does not distinguish contexts for instance methods and constructors States of distinct objects are merged Common OO features and idioms Encapsulation Inheritance Containers, maps and iterators
8 Example: Imprecision class Y extends X { … } class A { X f; void m(X q) { this.f=q ; } } A a = new A() ; a.m(new X()) ; A aa = new A() ; aa.m(new Y()) ; o2o2 o1o1 a this A.m q o3o3 aao4o4 f f f f
9 Object-sensitive Analysis Instance methods and constructors analyzed for different contexts Receiver objects used as contexts Multiple copies of reference variables this.f=q this A.m.f=q o1o1 o1o1 o1o1
10 Example: Object-sensitive Analysis class A { X f; void m(X q) { this.f=q ; } } A a = new A() ; a.m(new X()) ; A aa = new A() ; aa.m(new Y()) ; o2o2 f o1o1 a this A.m o1o1 q A.m o1o1 this A.m.f=q o1o1 o1o1 o1o1 this.f=q ; o3o3 aa o4o4 o3o3 this A.m o3o3 q A.m this A.m.f=q o3o3 o3o3 f
11 Parameterization Goal: tunable analysis Multiple copies for a subset of variables For the other variables a single copy Result: reduces points-to graph size and analysis cost At the expense of precision loss
12 Implementation Implemented one instance this, formals and return variables replicated Constraint-based, on top of Andersen’s analysis Optimizations Comparison with Andersen’s analysis
13 Empirical Results 23 Java programs: 14 – 677 user classes Added the necessary library classes Machine: 360 MHz, 512Mb Object Sensitive vs. Andersen Comparable cost Better precision Modification side-effect analysis Virtual call resolution
14 Analysis Time
15 Side-effect Analysis: Modified Objects Per Statement jbjesssableccraytraceAverage OBJECT SENSITIVE ANDERSEN
16 Improvement in Resolved Calls
17 Related Work Context-sensitive points-to analysis for OO languages Grove et al. OOPSLA’97, Chatterjee et al. POPL’99, Ruf PLDI’00, Grove-Chambers TOPLAS’01 Context-insensitive points-to analysis for OO languages Liang et al. PASTE’01, Rountev et al. OOPSLA’01 Context-sensitive class analysis Oxhoj et al. ECOOP’92, Agesen SAS’94, Plevyak-Chien OOPSLA’94, Agesen ECOOP’95, Grove et al. OOPSLA’97, Grove-Chambers TOPLAS’01
18 Summary Object sensitivity – context sensitivity for flow-insensitive analysis of OO languages Parameterization allows flexibility Practical cost, comparable to Andersen’s analysis Better precision than Andersen’s analysis
19 Future Work Implement other instances Object naming schemes Theoretical and empirical comparison Call string context sensitivity Other instances of functional approach Impact on client applications
21 Modification Side-Effect (MOD) Analysis Which objects may be modified by statement s? Points-to analysis is prerequisite Object-sensitive MOD analysis Based on object-sensitive points-to analysis Set of modified objects for each context