OER Tools Powwow April 21, /21/101OER Tools Powwow
Agenda Repositories overview Introductions Repositories details Authoring features matrix Adoption features matrix Orange Grove direction Who can help Orange Grove? What other sharing can we do? Next steps Open licensed by Ebbys photostream 4/21/102OER Tools Powwow
Goldilocks and the 13 Repositories: League Presentation 3/31/10 Artwork by Wordle CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 3 OCW Consortium is not really a repository Lulu has only a small percentage of open textbooks. Textbook media is free but not open.
MERLOT OER Commons Student PIRGS USG Share College Open Textbooks Advanced Technological Education Advanced Technological Education Applied Math and Science Education Repository Applied Math and Science Education Repository Many lists are not repositories Photo licensed for reuse by J T’s photostream CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 4
Today focus on five repositories OrganizationTool(s) Florida Distance Learning Consortium Orange Grove and OG Texts Plus Rice University ConnexionsRhaptos OCW Consortium Member SiteseduCommons MITE NROC Hippocampus Proposed AIMath Authoring ToolCollaborative Authoring Platform (CAP) 4/21/10OER Tools Powwow5
Introductions Cathy Alfano, Robin Donaldson, and Susie Henderson of FDLC Kathi Fletcher, Connexions Daniel Williamson, UniqU Tom Caswell, OCW Consortium Terri Rowenhorst, NROC David Farmer, AIMath Rod Beezer, University of Puget Sound Barbra Sperling and Phil Moss, MERLOT Bill Buxton and Jacky Hood, College Open Textbooks 4/21/10OER Tools Powwow6
TypeTextbooks, Resources, Courses, Ancillaries LicensingMultiple DisciplinesAcademic QualityVery High due to UPF; some reviewed FormatMostly PDF Print optionsPDF, bound Ease of useHigh for users; limited for modifiers Unique relationship with University Press of Florida Founder of OnCoReBluePrint inter-state sharing and model OnCoReBluePrint 100 collections 165 textbooks n_textbooks.asp Orange Grove Texts Plus Slide 7 CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeTextbooks, Resources, Courses LicensingCC BY only DisciplinesAcademic QualityHigh; some reviewed FormatXML Print optionsPDF, bound Ease of useStudents OK; adopters need training Funded by grants and consortium fees 16,151 modules in 991 collections Approximately 12 textbooks Rice University Connexions Slide 8 CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeCourses LicensingCustom* (cc by nc) DisciplinesAll academic and most vocational QualityGenerally excellent FormatVaried; eduCommons Print optionsVery limited Ease of useExcellent; outstanding assistance to members Courses stored on a usually dedicated member site Grants and memberships * Use, reproduce, distribute, translate and modify the Materials for educational, non-commercial, and non- monetary gain. Some trails lead to fees…. Slide 9 CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
TypeCourses (not textbooks) LicensingCustom DisciplinesAlgebra, Biology, Calculus, Environment, Government, Physics, Psychology, Religion, Statistics, US History QualityOutstanding FormatMedia-Rich Print optionsLimited Ease of useOutstanding Free to individuals Grant and fees Institutions strongly encouraged to join ($3K to $50K per year) Math classes also in Spanish New developmental math will be completely open and free MITE NROC Hippocampus Slide 10 CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks
American Institute of Mathematics Proposed Tool Specifically for Open Textbooks Outgrowth of AIM projects Beta testing Unsolved Problems tool Proposed Features Collaborative Authoring; Versioning Chapters, sections, subsections, sidebars, photos Simple graphical interface that supports all of above Support for both initial development and edit-in-place for revisions Multiple formats Integrated workflow CC BY Licensed 2010 College Open Textbooks Slide 11
Much more thorough comparison platform-comparison.html platform-comparison.html Thanks to Tom Caswell EduCommons, Moodle, OU-Moodle, Sakai, and Connexions Infrastructure, Content Management, User Management, Learner Tools, Assessment Tools 4/21/10OER Tools Powwow12
Author Tools RepositoryWYSIWYGRights Choice Work flow Import Support Supports Paid Content Hidden content (for exams) Other OG Texts Plus Yes Connexions Rhaptos Yes No: CC BY only Yes No? OCW eduCommons Yes No? (I found some) MITE NROC Hippocampus Indirectly? CAP (proposed) Yes 4/21/10OER Tools Powwow13
Adopter Tools RepositoryReviewsOn- screen Text PDFBound Copies VersioningModularityDrag & Drop OG Texts Plus Yes Wants Connexions Rhaptos Yes OCW eduCommons No MITE NROC Hippocampus Some CAP (proposed) Yes 4/21/10OER Tools Powwow14
Orange Grove’s Tool Goals Features Needed ______________ Who can help? ______________ 4/21/10OER Tools Powwow15
What other sharing can we do? 4/21/10OER Tools Powwow16
4/21/10OER Tools Powwow17
Next Steps Archive will be posted at the Event /by-invitation-oer-tools-powwow /by-invitation-oer-tools-powwow ___________________________________ 4/21/10OER Tools Powwow18