Students examine both the “true color” And “false-color Infrared” images provided by GLOBE AA_Vis_2
Students construct a Land Cover Map keyed to the MUC System AA_Vis_3
Students gather data From 90 x 90 m Qualitative Land Cover Samples to “validate” their Map. AA_Vis_4
1222 Site 1 92 Site Site 3 92 Site 4 At each of these sites, The MUC value is determined, a GPS reading is taken, and photographs are taken. These are Validation Data. 91 Site Site 6 Site Site AA_Vis_5
Warner’s Woods X UPS Complex √ State Park Area √ Truck Terminal √ Clark’s Loop X Dale’s Grove √ School Woodlot X Town Grove √ The Accuracy Assessment Data Work Sheet is filled out for all sites AA_Vis_6
Map Data (What we expected to find) Validation Data (What we actually found) The Difference/Error Matrix is Constructed AA_Vis_7
Total Map Data (What we expected to find) Validation Data (What we actually found) The Difference/Error Matrix is Constructed AA_Vis_7
Total Map Data (What we expected to find) Validation Data (What we actually found) Map and Validation Data Are Entered on the Matrix | | | | | AA_Vis_8
Total Map Data (What we expected to find) Validation Data (What we actually found) | | | | | Totals Are Calculated for Rows and Columns AA_Vis_9
Overall Accuracy is Calculated Overall Accuracy = x 100 Overall Accuracy = x 100 = 63% Sum of Major Diagonal Tallies Total Number of Samples 5 8 AA_Vis_10
Total More Qualitative Sites are visited, and the Matrix is Developed for All Classes on the Map Total AA_Vis_11
Overall Accuracy is Calculated Overall Accuracy = X 100 = 0.74 X 100 = 74% AA_Vis_12
REMOTELY SENSED FOREST VEGETATION MAPS: RASTER MAPS CREATED FROM LANDSAT TM IMAGERY July 1996 Landsat TM Image Pawtuckaway Study Area, NH, USA Forest Cover Type Map from Classification of July 1996 Landsat TM Image Pawtuckaway Study Area, NH, USA Legend Class Names White Pine White Pine-Hemlock Other Conifer Hemlock Oak Red Maple Mixed Forest Nonforest Beech Other Scale Kilometers AA_Vis_13