UNQUESTIONABLE NEED FOR PEER-REVIEWING 1. Visibility of major papers 2. Improvement of manuscript content 3. Identification of excellence Colloque de lAcadémie des sciences "Évolution des publications scientifiques - Le regard des chercheurs" des mai 2007
PROBLEMS LINKED TO REVIEWERS 1. Conservatism: fashion versus novelty 2. Priority given to technology 3. Duration of reviewing 4. Conflict of interest with authors
PROBLEMS LINKED TO PUBLISHERS 1. Search for scoops 2. Are editors in chief always competent?
PROBLEMS LINKED TO AUTHORS 1. Confusion between quality of a manuscript and impact factor of the journal 2. Excessive importance of impact factor for grants and career 3. Risk of transforming scientists into professionals of publication
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS 1. Change in the editorial policy of major journals 2. Open peer-reviewing 3. Open archives preceding publication