Transit “New Starts” Background and Status Transit Task Force Montgomery County March 2011
What is “New Starts”? Federal program to fund new transit projects FTA requires project sponsors to follow a rigorous evaluation process that results in an overall project rating Primarily focused on –Project benefits –Project readiness –Ability of the project sponsor to carry out the project Typically matched at <50% Funding decisions made by Congress – national competition 2
New Start Development Process Final Design Construction Preliminary Engineering/ Final EIS Locally Preferred Alternative Entry into PE Entry into Final Design Full Funding Grant Agreement FTA Decision Point Major Development Stage Systems Planning Alternatives Analysis/ Draft EIS Project Management Oversight 3
Financial Plan Required by FTA Provides framework for project funding appropriate for phase of the project Draft plan addresses funding for preliminary engineering and final design Revised plan will be submitted with entry into final design and must include construction funding approach 4
Proposed Cost Share Federal Share – 50% State Share – 50% –Transportation Trust Fund Local government coordination to take costs out of projects, e.g., –Georgetown Branch right of way and trail construction –Bethesda south station entrance 5
Financial Plan Assumptions Conclusion: projects are affordable Major assumptions –MDOT’s current revenue forecast is accurate, including a revenue increase prior to funds being programmed for construction –MTA expansion projects before 2020 are Purple Line, CCT, Red Line, and replacement MARC vehicles –System preservation continues at current levels –Future projects are prioritized and funding is programmed accordingly –MTA to receive approximately 50% of MDOT’s total capital budget during the 2015 to 2019 timeframe –FTA funds 50% of the capital cost, with unprecedented annual commitments 6
Preliminary Engineering What is included in PE? –Project definition, cost, and schedule –Financial Plan –Completion of NEPA process (FEIS) –Project Management Plan for Final Design and Construction PE evaluations include: –Three Alternatives: Build, No Build, and Baseline –Phasing and staging of alternatives –Land use and policy alternatives –Implementation strategies –Financial Plan alternatives 7
New Starts Package “Build” description Risk Assessment –Risk Report –Risk Register Capital costs Design guidelines Conceptual plans Capital cost/ schedule/cash Flow Financial Plan Project Management Plan (PMP) New Starts Templates –Land Use –Financial –Project Justification 8
Project Overview 16-mile east-west rapid transit line Bethesda to New Carrollton Parallel to and inside the Capital Beltway Will operate mostly at street level 10
Project Goals Faster and more reliable transit for east-west travel market Improve access to and connectivity to Metrorail, MARC, Amtrak, and bus services Serve transit-dependent populations Support local, regional and state policies and adopted Master Plans Strengthen and revitalize communities in the corridor Increase potential for Transit Oriented Development at existing and proposed stations in the corridor Improve access to existing activity centers including and planned commercial, office, and residential development in Bethesda, Silver Spring, Takoma/Langley, University of Maryland/College Park, and New Carrollton 11
Transit System Access Bethesda Silver Spring College Park New Carrollton 12
Locally Preferred Alternative 13
Locally Preferred Alternative Light rail: mostly in dedicated or exclusive lanes End to end travel time is 55 minutes Daily ridership in 2030: 60,000 –Cars off the road: 20,000 daily Greatest ridership is between Bethesda and Silver Spring 30% will use Metro for part of their trip Capital cost: $1.563 billion (2010 dollars) 14
Design Concept: Bethesda Red Line connection via direct elevator up to street and down to Metrorail 15
Design Concept: Trail at Bethesda Trail access above transitway 16
Design Concept: Georgetown Branch Trail Through Chevy Chase, trail next to transitway with vertical separation and landscaped buffer 17
Design Concept: Silver Spring Transitway on south side of CSX; trail crosses to north side east of Talbot Street bridge Station at SSTC one level above Metro and MARC trains 18
Design Concept: Silver Spring Library At-grade on Bonifant Street; station integrated into the new Silver Spring Library 19
Locally Preferred Alternative Wayne Avenue: at-grade; shared lanes with new left turns Short tunnel between Wayne and Arliss Piney Branch: median operation 20
Design Concept: Takoma- Langley Park Transit Center Median operation on University Boulevard with station at New Hampshire Avenue adjacent to new regional bus hub 21
Design Concept: UM Campus At-grade along Campus Drive with open pedestrian plazas 22
Locally Preferred Alternative Paint Branch Parkway: shared lanes under CSX/Metro Integrated into the new development at the College Park Metrorail Station River Road: dedicated lanes on south side Kenilworth Avenue: elevated aerial structure, crossing over the MD 410 intersection Aerial station in Riverdale Park MD 410: returns to grade, dedicated right of way on south side Veterans Parkway: dedicated right of way on south side South side of Ellin Road into New Carrollton Station 23
Public Involvement Open houses Community Focus Groups Small Group Workshops Community and civic association meetings Community outreach events –Libraries, grocery stores, shopping centers Newsletters 24
Upcoming Coordination Resource agencies CSX and utilities Review of development proposals Montgomery County (Bethesda Station, Capital Crescent Trail, Takoma/Langley Sector Plan, Takoma/Langley Transit Center) Prince George’s County (MD 410, East Campus, River Road, Takoma/Langley Sector Plan) 25
Schedule Request Permission to Enter Summer 2011 Preliminary Engineering PE and Final Environmental Summer 2013 Impact Statement Completed Begin Final Design Summer 2013 Begin Construction Summer 2015 Open to Revenue Service
Project Overview Part of the I-270/US 15 Multi-Modal Corridor Study Planning studies ongoing since 1990s Completed Environmental Documents and held Public Hearings –2002 Draft Environmental Impact Statement –2009 Alternatives Analysis/Environmental Assessment –2010 Supplemental Environmental Analysis (SEA) Highway Improvements - 30 miles Transit Improvements miles Light Rail Transit (LRT) or Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) 28
Alternatives Evaluation Alternative 1: No-Build Alternative 2: TSM Alternatives 3A/B, 4A/B, 5A/B/C, 6A/B and 7A/B –Various highway lanes configurations, including general purpose lanes and managed lanes (HOV or ETL) –Transit options “A” – light rail transit on original Master Plan alignment “B” – bus rapid transit on Original Master Plan alignment “C” – premium bus service on managed lanes Additional Transit Alternatives were evaluated as part of the 2010 SEA –Crown Farm –Life Sciences Center –Kentlands 29
Key Features 15 stations +3 as needed for development Exclusive running way End to end travel time is minutes Transit transfers to MARC (Metro. Grove) and Red Line (Shady Grove) Access from local streets, I-270 interchanges, and direct access ramps 30
Leaving Shady Grove station, cross MD 355 at or below grade Median of King Farm Boulevard Over I-270/Shady Grove Rd. interchange Under intersection of Key West Avenue and Decoverly Dr Right onto Medical Center Drive; cross Great Seneca Highway at-grade Under Key West Ave again, cross Belward Farm to Muddy Branch Rd Muddy Branch: median or south side Great Seneca: west side to Kentlands; over to south side of Quince Orchard Rd Cross over Quince Orchard and Clopper Rd; under CSX tracks 32
Adjacent to I-270 through Seneca Creek State Park to Middlebrook Rd Under Germantown Rd to proposed transit center Century Boulevard: median to under Father Hurley Boulevard to proposed extension of Dorsey Mill Road across I-270 Observation Drive: median of existing and proposed extension to COMSAT 33
2010 Alignment Study Results Changes beneficial to project 40% 15% 14% 42% Ridership Cost BRT LRT 34
Cost & Ridership 35
Right-of-Way Status Approximately 35% lies within publicly controlled land Additional 25% has right-of-way protection through reservation or easement Remaining 40% has no protections at this time 36
Next Step –Transit Only Full proposed highway improvements by 2030 not feasible Highway and transit on separate schedules –Highway: Additional studies, Tiered FEIS approach, break-out projects –Transit: Select Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA); proceed with FTA New Starts process Close coordination between highway and transit studies to continue 37
Locally Preferred Alternative Mode Selection – Bus Rapid Transit or Light Rail Transit Alternative alignments and environmental impacts Public Hearing review – evaluate concerns: –Citizen/community groups –Montgomery County Government –FTA/FHWA –Environmental agencies Funding/Affordability Phasing options 38
Public Outreach Ongoing meetings with area community associations, business groups, and local officials Enhanced coordination with the City of Rockville and King Farm residents Newsletters 39
Schedule Select Preferred AlternativeSpring 2011 Request Permission to Enter Fall 2011 Preliminary Engineering PE and Final Environmental Fall 2013 Impact Statement Completed Begin Final Design Winter 2013/14 Begin Construction 2014/15 40