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13 th Annual Business Plan Competition Informational Meeting Welcome!
You have two options: “I am interested in participating in the Business Plan Competition. What’s my next step?”
You have an idea Put together a team Register Option #1
You want to participate, but you don’t have a team. Network or contact Mrs. Stillwaggon Get matched with a team Option #2
If you are having difficulty finding a team to join OR you are looking for additional team member(s), please contact Mrs. Stillwaggon.
Categories Commercial Enterprise Social Enterprise
Eligibility Any Grove City College full-time student may participate either individually or on a team. Team size is unlimited. Each team may have non-GCC members, but team leader must be a GCC student. Students may re-enter a non-finalist business plan in the competition one additional time provided 50 percent of the original team will again participate. All cash prizes are taxable. Please note – no taxes will be withheld from the award money. Winners are personally responsible for any tax liabilities incurred in the acceptance of this prize. Payment of taxes on the cash awards are in addition to any other financial withholdings that may be applied in accordance with various terms and conditions associated with the acceptance of student financial aid. Students are encouraged to seek further information or clarification regarding any such withholdings from the Office of Financial Aid.
Business Plans Plans for Social Enterprises (nonprofits, community service organizations, and ministries, etc…) are encouraged. Cross-discipline teams are encouraged. Students are discouraged from being part of more than one plan. All business plans submitted and presented must be appropriate to the vision and mission of Grove City College and The Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Proposals for existing franchises, tax shelter opportunities, real estate syndications are not eligible. Refer to for: Recommended Format for Writing Business Plans Tips for a Winning Business Plan Contest Rules Past Winners
Process Team Registration (by 11:59 p.m. February 20) Mentor Match-up If desired, each registered team will be matched with a business coach who will work with students BEFORE final plans are due on March 30.
Process Submission of Plans (by March 30) Twenty (20) page maximum (including appendices) Electronic submission in PDF format Be sure to follow rules for submission
Process Signed submission forms are also due at this time. Must be signed by each teammate. Purpose: Confirms that the written plan is students’ original work. Determine percentage of winnings due to each teammate.
Process Review of Plans by Business Professionals (Reviewers) Provide ratings and comments on plans Results will be tabulated and comments will be shared with teams
Finalists 3-5 finalist teams will be selected in both the Social and Commercial Enterprise categories Finalists notified by April 21 (morning)
Presentations Friday, May 1 st MorningSocial Enterprise AfternoonCommercial Enterprise Sticht Lecture Hall – Open to campus & community (NDA) PowerPoint or Prezi slide show format Presentations will not be videotaped, but photos will be taken
Presentations Panel of Judges will ask questions All team members should be present on stage Prototypes are permitted Samples (given to judges) must be preapproved
Awards 1 st Place (in both categories) $5,000 cash Legal Consultation* Three (3) hours Accounting/Financial* Consultation Web Design Services* *Services must be used for the winning business only and will expire on May 1, 2016.
Awards 2 nd Place (in both categories) $3,000 cash Legal Consultation* Two (2) hours Accounting/Financial* Consultation Web Design Services* *Services must be used for the winning business only and will expire on May 1, 2016.
Awards 3 rd Place (in both categories) $2,000 cash Legal Consultation* One (1) hours Accounting/Financial Consultation* Web Design Services* *Services must be used for the winning business only and will expire on May 1, 2016.
Awards Recognition NEW: On May 2 10 a.m. in Harbison Chapel, the announcement of winners and presentation of awards will be made. Results will be communicated internally throughout the campus and externally through the media. Winning team information will be posted on the Entrepreneurship website – and Facebook
2015 Key Dates February 12 4:00 pmGeneral Informational Meeting – HAL 316 February 20DEADLINE: registration March 30 Final Business Plans submitted in PDF form March 30Signed submission form due (to Mrs. Stillwaggon) April 21morningFinalists announced via April 214:00 p.m.Finalists Informational Meeting; HAL 316 May 19:00-12:00SOCIAL Enterprise presentations in Sticht 1:30-5:00COMMERCIAL Enterprise presentations in Sticht May 210:00 a.m. Announcement and Presentation of Winners – Chapel (during Parents’ Day Awards Convocation)
Please refer to the Competition Rules