Creating Inclusive Communities Nigel Fain The Community Housing Group Get Connected Workshop - 18 th June 2014
Overview About: The Community Housing Group Our Vision Key barriers, challenges and opportunities Strategic direction Implementation towards Inclusive Communities Work in progress
About: The Community Housing Group (TCHG) LSVT – Wyre Forest District Council in March Set up in 2005, TCHG includes: Wyre Forest Community Housing Wyre Forest Sheltered Housing Worcestershire TeleCare Vestia Community Trust Oakleaf Commercial Services
Our Vision “The Right Support at the right time in the right place” - Enabling people to live longer, healthier and independent at home
Key barriers, challenges and opportunities Reduced funding and Increasing demand for services Changes in Commissioning in Worcestershire - “Future Lives” Programme - “Well Connected” Programme Aspirations and expectations of older people Growing numbers of people with long term conditions Redefining responsibilities to meet housing, health, care and support Growth in numbers of Carers Improving access to Digital Services Increasing numbers of people to be volunteers
Strategic direction Investing in new homes Investment in current homes creating Integrated hubs Further develop work with Social Care and Health colleagues on provision of Integrated services for a range of client groups Provide homes and services that people need and want Develop the skills within our teams Develop partnerships with others that share our vision
Implementation Reviewed schemes, services and skills CQC Registration WCC Approved Domiciliary Care Provider Remodelling of current homes Involvement of tenants Integrated Care and Support Structure Enhanced Housing Management Services Falls Response Service
Remodelling of Sheltered Housing Schemes …. ……Towards Inclusive hubs Range of communal facilities – Lounges, Dining areas, Therapy suites, Hairdressing, Hobby and IT rooms, Cinema Digital Inclusion Telecare and Telehealth
Integrating services and technology Early Intervention Proactive support after life changing events Re-enablement
Service Model Referral / Assessment Tailored Telecare plan agreed Provision of equipment / training Continuous support and monitoring Response as required / emergency / proactive Reviewing peoples needs over time
Our Inclusive Communities Integrated Care and Support Teams Provide Day Opportunities / Activities Full range of Telecare equipment Telehealth technology Working with Health professionals Links with other hubs
Work in progress Being the preferred Care Provider at Inclusive hubs Remodelling towards Learning Disability Supported Housing schemes Development of new build Extra Care and Learning Disability Supported Housing scheme Developing mhealth opportunities within hubs Long term technology and infrastructure partnership
Contact details Nigel Fain Head of Care and Support Services The Community Housing Group 3 Foley Grove, Foley Business Park Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY11 7PT