Inon Zur Born July 4 th, 1965 Orchestral Composer Still in action Film, Television, More commonly known for his Video Game Scores
A Brief History Played piano and French horn, and began to study composition by the age of 10 Graduated Music Academy of Tel Aviv Spent 4 years in Israeli military
Moved to US in 1990 at age 25 Continued education in California Dick Grove School of Music University of California, Los Angelos Began Career A Brief Continuation
Recent Work Crysis (2007) Fallout 3 (2008) Prince of Persia (2008) Dragon Age: Origins (2009) Fallout 3: Broken Steel (2009) Fallout: New Vegas (2010) The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (2011) Rift (2011) Dragon Age II (2011) Soulcalibur V (2012)
1997 Power Rangers: Turbo Telly Award for Best Score 2004 Men of Valor Game Audio Network Guild, for Best Original Instrumental Song 2009 Dragon Age Origins “I Am the One” Game Audio Network Guild, for Best Original Song – Video Game And nominated for 22 other Awards Awards
“music always has to carry the emotional and dramatic element” Inon Zur
Classical Composers Sergey Prokofiev Beethoven Brahms Contemporary Composers John Williams Tommy Newman. Jazz Herbie Hancock Keith Jarrett “I’m always trying to learn from many composers and sometimes try to apply some of their techniques in my music when appropriate.”
Lelianna’s Song from Dragon Age: Origins Inon Zur Conducting LOTR: War of the North at E3
"Biography." Inon Zur. N.p., Web. 24 Nov Burlingame, Jon. "Video Games: The Top Music Talents." Variety., 20 Apr Web. 24 Nov D., Spence. "Inon Zur Interview." IGN., 30 June Web. 24 Nov Ittensohn, Oliver. "GSoundtracks - Interview with Composer Inon Zur." GSoundtracks - Interview with Composer Inon Zur. GSoundtracks, n.d. Web. 27 Nov References