Road Committee Report 31 May 2009
Road Committee Report Outline Community Day Accomplishments General Comments on Road Conditions Activities Planned for Following Year Cost of Each Activity Over the Past Year Road Committee Reimbursement Rates Roadside Grass/Weed Spraying Gate Operation and Outsider Access General Comments and Issues
Community Day Accomplishments Several ditches and culverts cleared Road washouts repaired Shed baseboards repaired
Community Day Savings 54 hrs labor X $12/hr = $648 6 hrs tractor reimbursement X $35/hr = $210 2 hrs dump truck reimbursement X $26/hr = $52 Total Savings = $910
General Comments On Roads Our roads are safe and passable. In general, has there been an acceptable amount of regular maintenance, gravel, grading, mowing, etc.? Any specific complaints about the road conditions or safety issues? Road Committee Budget Concerns –We could not have afforded the additional stone in May without… No need for contractor snow plowing during 2008/2009 winter. Less than the usual amount of spring-time heavy rains this year. Budget year was only 10 months long. –Lack of maintenance by some lot owners.
Rd. Com. Activities Planned For Next Year Road grading and routine repairs (potholes, spreading and smoothing stone). Additional road stone in Nov, and next May if budget excess is available. Roadside grass and weed spraying. Special problems (icy roads, fallen trees on road, road wash out, etc.) Grass cutting. –Routine: Entrance, upper common area, river bank area –Twice/year: Lower common area field. If Lot Owners don’t, the Road Committee must also do the following… –Roadside mowing once or twice/year. –Culvert & ditch clearing and maintenance where necessary to prevent road damage and/or washouts. –Cut/remove low-hanging branches from roadsides. Any other activities to add? Any activities you want to reduce or stop doing?
Rd. Com. Reimbursements Over The Past Year WORK CATEGORYAPPROX. AMOUNT Remove fallen tree from roadway$6 Grass and weed spraying$105 Gate repair$119 Roadside tree trimming$288 Mowing community areas$516 Road ice breakup and removal Spreading stone on icy spots $525 Road repair Hauling/spreading stone on bare spots Repairing washouts Repairing potholes $545 Ditch and culvert clearing Adding riprap in ditches as needed $700 Mowing and weed-whacking roadsides$1170 Grading Pulling stone from roadsides Smoothing out road stone $2334
Reimbursement and Wage Scale Reimbursement and Wage Scale Approved at the 2008 Community Meeting RATES/HOUR ITEMREIMBURSEMENTWAGETOTAL Farm Tractor with implement$40.00$12$52.00 Backhoe$44.50$12$56.50 Dump Truck$29.50$12$41.50 Chainsaw$11.25$12$23.25 Riding Mower (under 5 foot)$11.25$12$23.25 Push Mower or Weed whacker$5.75$12$17.75 Hourly wage$12$12.00 Beginning 1 December 2008, Scale Reduced to the Following RATES/HOUR ITEM REIMBURSEMENTWAGETOTAL Farm Tractor with implement$35.00$12$47.00 Backhoe$39.00$12$51.00 Dump Truck$26.00$12$38.00 Chainsaw$10.00$12$22.00 Riding Mower (under 5 foot)$10.00$12$22.00 Push Mower or Weed whacker$5.00$12$17.00 Hourly wage$12$12.00
Reimbursement and Wage Scale Recent History APPROX. DATE IRS REIMBURSEMENT- POV MILEAGE RATE (cents per mile) MISTY MEADOWS TRACTOR REIMBURSEMENT RATE (dollars per hour) 1 Sept – 31 Dec Jan – 31 Dec Jan – 31 Dec Jan – 30 June July – 31 Dec Jan 2009 – Present
Proposed Reimbursement and Wage Scale for FY2010 Continue With Current Rates for Following Year (Unless Gas Prices Spike Up Again During the Budget Year) RATES/HOUR ITEM REIMBURSEMENTWAGETOTAL Farm Tractor with implement$35.00$12$47.00 Backhoe$39.00$12$51.00 Dump Truck$26.00$12$38.00 Chainsaw$10.00$12$22.00 Riding Mower (under 5 foot)$10.00$12$22.00 Push Mower or Weed whacker$5.00$12$17.00 Hourly wage$12$12.00 Comments or Questions Before Voting? Motion to Accept as FY2010 Reimbursement Rates
Grass and Weed Spraying Roadside spraying week of 15 June, weather permitting. RoundUp or similar product will be used. All road edges and circles will be sprayed. Road edges may be mowed before sprayed. Driveways will not be sprayed this year. –Business Case –Personal Issues
Gate Operation Same keypad codes as last year. Gate operation instructions and listing of current codes available. Is anyone having any issues with the gate operation? Community discussion/decision on outsider access.
Open Discussion On Road Conditions My Comments –Free firewood at lower common area –Additional fence on opposite side of entrance –Tar and chip road surface may be a future option –Joining the road committee My Issues –Cinderblock debris on roadside on Dodge lot –Culvert across Mr. Major’s driveway –Stone pile at Trails End –Speeding –Ditches need clearing in March, not May 30. Your Comments/Issues - Open forum