The Battle of Hastings, 1066 Evidence from the ‘Bayeux Tapestry’
Norman Mission The task: Take control of England 10,000 Normans to control 2 million Saxons (English) How are you going to do this? Each group has to write down the different ways the Normans will control England & stop the Saxons rebelling Can include diagrams if you want Time: 8 mins. Task 1
In a group, discuss & list 3 things you would like to learn about Medieval Castles. Write down 2 questions you would like answered today.
Q1. Who built the first castles? Q2.Why were castles built? Q3.How were castles built? Q4. Why did castle shape change over time? Q5. What were the functions of different parts of a stone castle?
Skills – working together problem solving
Brainstorm Having just invaded England. Why would the Normans build castles? Why build castles?
Note William's castles - map Why build castles? Defence against enemy Control surrounding area Home – somewhere to live Prisons and arsenal (weapons store)
How do we know Normans built castles? See their remains Archaeological evidence Bayeux Tapestry –Showed earliest castles –Story of Norman invasion from the Norman side of the story Story biased in favour of: Story biased against: The Normans The Saxons
A Motte and Bailey Castle What is this castle made of? How do we know? We know wooden castles were built. Why no physical evidence?
A Motte and Bailey Castle Motte and Bailey Castles keep palisade Ditch or moat motte bailey
A Shell Keep Cardiff Castle
A Square Keep Chepstow Castle
A Concentric Castle
Wood burns Can be cut down High up Ditch Fast to build Motte and Bailey 11 th C WeaknessesStrengthsCastleDate Capture wall take whole building Stone WallShell keep11 th C Corners can be mined or battered Thick stone walls Entrance above ground level Square keep 12 th C Only betrayal by someone Or Very long siege 2 or 3 walls Inside wall higher than outer Strong gatehouse Round towers Concentric Castle 13 th C
Shape metal Work with lead for pipes & roofs Painting pictures inside castle Dig stone from ground Make mortar to bind stones together Carve and lay stone Cut, join and carve wood Lay floors Plastering the walls Castle Builders Masons Smiths Carpenters Plumbers Plasterers Painters Pavers Quarrymen Mortarmixers Carve and lay stone Cut, join and carve wood Work with lead for pipes & roofs Plastering the walls Painting pictures inside castle Lay floors Dig stone from ground Make mortar to bind stones together Shape metal Task 2
Q1. Who built the first castles? Q2.Why were castles built? Q3.How were castles built? Q4. Why did castle shape change over time? Q5. What were the functions of different parts of a stone castle?
Skills – working together problem solving
Let’s have fun Beat the Examiner Design a quiz on this topic -Straight forward questions? -Cryptic clues? -Multiple choice? -Matching activity + red herrings? -Crossword puzzle?
What we learned last lesson? Describe 3 things that you remember as significant about last lesson. Swap your three things in pairs Try to get at least five significant things between you.