Indiana 2011 – 2013 Statewide Local-Resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Project MINI – WORKSHOP Thanks to… Susan Phelps, AECOM ; Jeff Simley, U.S. Geological Survey, & the IGIC Waters Workgroup
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Topics Project Background Approach Project Tasks Conversion Conflation Status / Next Steps
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships What is the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)? Feature-based database of nation’s surface water drainage system maintained by the USGS Network of streams, rivers, and other flowlines; lakes, ponds, and other waterbodies Suitable for modeling water flow & geocoding local features and events
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships What is the USGS NHD? Flowline (Stream/River, Canal/Ditch, Artificial Path) Waterbody (Lake/Pond, Swamp/Marsh, Reservior) Areas (Large Stream/River, Large Canal/Ditch) Points (Gaging Station, Well) Lines (Dams)
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Data Organized into Hydrologic Units Hydrologic Units Codes (HUC) assigned to each
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Data Organized into Hydrologic Units HUC & WBD Maintained by USGS with the help of State data Stewards
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Hydrologic Units – Subbasins (HUC8)
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Hydrologic Units – Subbasins (HUC8)
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Background Streams – the fundamental core of the NHD
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Background Flow Direction – giving intelligence to the data
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Background Navigation – Creating fundamental knowledge
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Background Navigation – Where does a toxic spill go?
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Background Linear Referencing – Stream “Reaches”
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Background Linear Referencing – Stream addresses
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Improving the NHD for Indiana Current: Features in current NHD based upon 1:24,000 USGS Topographic Quad Maps Most users require data at better scale Features have changed since Maps were created Update NHD using 2005 Ortho & DEM products: Updates of physical features (existence, location) New (Local-res) Data would be at scale of 1:2,400
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Local-Resolution NHD Example High-resolution NHD 1:24,000 Scale (1”=2,000’) Local-resolution NHD 1:2,400 Scale (1”=200’)
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Local-Resolution NHD Example Production done by HUC 8 (Subbasins) Existing 1:24,000 High-Resolution NHD
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Local-Resolution NHD Example New 1:1,200 or 1:2,400 Local-Resolution NHD Developed for 6AC Sub-catchment derived from 2005 DEM
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Local-Resolution NHD Example New 1:1,200 or 1:2,400 Local-Resolution NHD Developed for 6AC Sub-catchment derived from 2005 DEM and matched to 2005 orthophotography
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Local-Resolution NHD Example End Result = New 1:1,200 or 1:2,400 scale Local-Resolution NHD
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Approach Small watershed in Hamilton County (Morse Reservoir and agricultural land) Broad representation of the water features to be included in the statewide project Designed to provide a basis for stream location accuracy and upstream drainage area limit assessments Results = Impressive Results and Baseline budget established (15% more local-resolution hydro captured than what County GIS maintained) Pilot study conducted in Summer 2009
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Approach AECOM Selected for Contract with the State in 2010 Local subcontractors will assist with hydrography development (Cripe & Pinnacle) Upper Eel will be first sub-basin completed Linework will undergo QC and approval by IGIC Waters workgroup prior to conflation Attribute conflation will undergo QC and approval by IGIC Waters workgroup and USGS before work begins on additional sub-basins 37 additional sub-basins in state (28 funded by OCRA, 8 remaining – future GLI or other funding) Statewide project completed by HUC-8 watershed sub-basin in phases:
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Approach Creation of local-resolution hydrography 5 feature types collected Flowline (Stream/River, Canal/Ditch, Artificial Path) Waterbody (Lake/Pond, Swamp/Marsh, Reservior) Area (Large Stream/River, Large Canal/Ditch) Point (Gaging Station, Well) – pass through from high-resolution Line (Dams) - pass through from high-resolution
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Approach Base Data Imagery 2005 one foot and/or half foot pixel RGB orthophotography Terrain (Contours, DEMs, Hillshades) 2005 five foot post-spacing DEM (ISTAR) Supplemented by newer and/or more accurate local data where available (e.g Ortho/LiDAR)
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Approach Reference Files Local Hydrography provided by the State National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) INDNR Dams Karst Dyelines DOT Bridges 24K NHD
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Project Tasks - Conversion 1.Hydro-correct elevation data Generate 6 acre basins and streams for reference (guidance for upstream limits and stream location) Generate contours, DEMs, hillshades for reference
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Project Tasks - Conversion 2.Digitize NHD features Create 1:2,400 or 1:1,200 scale hydrography layer (dependent upon imagery source) to the 6 acre upstream drainage limit Imagery will be primary source for data conversion, terrain data used where features are not visible 1:24K NHD used as reference to ensure all features have been incorporated Hydrography edge-matched to 1:24K NHD along state borders
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Project Tasks - Conversion 3.Prep data for conflation The NHDinGeo version 2.0 database schema will be used Combination of USGS scripts, and ArcGIS 9.3 tools to check: Topology Flow direction FCode population Artificial paths Connectors
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Project Tasks - Conflation USGS NHD GeoConflation Toolset Reach codes, GNIS info conflated from 1:24K NHD, and generated for new features using the USGS NHD tools Intermittent/Perennial designations conflated for1:24K attributes only 4.Conflation of1:24K NHD attributes and data population for new features
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Project Tasks - Conflation Most performed through NHD GeoConflation queues at various stages After permanent reach codes assigned, checks for gapped or branched reach codes Checks for gapped or branched GNIS names Subsequent processing steps cannot proceed until potential problems have been resolved 5. Quality Control of conflation * Close coordination with and approval by State & USGS
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Project Tasks - Conflation Waters Workgroup will check out 1:24K NHD sub-basins as conflation occurs to avoid any other edits being made to the sub-basin Feature level, FGDC compliant metadata generated for each sub-basin
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Status / Next Steps Status Completed conflation training with USGS Base data received for Upper Eel pilot area Next Steps Complete conversion and conflation tasks for Upper Eel pilot area 3 iterations of QC performed by Indiana’s QC team Prioritize work, outline schedule for remaining sub-basins
Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Questions and Answers