Club Assembly Quiz #1 The History of Rotary
Club Assembly Quiz #1 1. Name one Rotarian other than Paul Harris present at the first Rotary meeting in Chicago. A.Howard Carter B.Blanche Endicott C.Ralph Nader Senior D.Sylvester Schiele E.Arch Klumph
Club Assembly Quiz #1 2. Paul Harris founded Rotary International in 1905, but the year of his death marked the rapid expansion of The Rotary Foundation. What year did he die? A.1937 B.1947 C.1957 D.1897 E.1967 F.1703
Club Assembly Quiz #1 3. Who had the bright idea for the Rotary Foundation? A.Chesley Perry B.Paul Harris C.Arch Klumph D.Gustavus Loehr E.Hiram Shorey
Club Assembly Quiz #1 4. In this famous picture of the Founding of Rotary, who’s that guy with the highest forehead? A.Arnie Timberlake B.Comely Bank C.Paul Percy Harris D.Sylvester Schiele E.Gus Loehr
Club Assembly Quiz #1 5. Who “was The Fifth Rotarian” A.Arch Klumph, the same fellow responsible for The Rotary Foundation B.Harry Ruggles, the same fellow responsible for singing at Rotary meetings C.Arthur Sheldon, the same fellow responsible for the motto "He Profits Most Who Serves Best"
Club Assembly Quiz #1 6. Rotary helped found the United Nations. A.True B.False
Club Assembly Quiz #1 7. Rotary continued to thrive in Germany during the Nazi Era. A.True B.True, but members were required to swear an oath to the Nazi Party C.False
Club Assembly Quiz #1 8. Paul Harris was the first President of the Rotary Club of Chicago A.True! B.False – He was not president until two years later, in 1907
Club Assembly Quiz #1 9. What year was the first convention of Rotarians? A.1905 B.1910 C.1930, when Rotary became “international” D.1917 on Armistice day
Club Assembly Quiz #1 10. The first evidence of Rotary’s commitment to service occurred: A.In 1907 when Rotary Club of Chicago gave a preacher a horse B.In 1909 when they built an outhouse in Chicago C.On Feb. 23, 1905 when Gus Loehr pulled Paul’s carriage out of a snowy ditch
Club Assembly Quiz #1 11. It took three years until the second Rotary Club was started: A.True. In 1908 in San Francisco, California the second club started B.False. In 1906, the Montreal, Canada club made Rotary truly International!
Club Assembly Quiz #1 12. The Four-Way Test: A.Was composed in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor B.Represents a general code of ethics for Rotarians C.Goes along with the Rotary Secret Handshake D.Was adopted by Rotary International in 1943 E.All of the above F.A, B, D
Club Assembly Quiz #1 13. "Few there are who do not recognize the good work which is done by Rotary clubs throughout the free world," was said by: A.Albert Schweitzer, himself a Rotarian B.Author & Rotarian Thomas Mann C.Prime Minister Winston Churchill
Club Assembly Quiz #1 14. The saying, “Back in 1917, Rotary President Arch C. Klumph had proposed that an institution be set up "for doing good in the world." This best describes: A.The United Nations B.UNESCO C.Easter Seals D.The U.S. Marines Sniper Battalion E.The Rotary Foundation
Club Assembly Quiz #1 15. When were the first 18 Rotary Foundation scholarships granted A.1947 B.1957 C.1937 D.1907
Club Assembly Quiz #1 Thank YOU!! Your participation in this little quiz was just the start of the many places to which we might look for help in finding Rotary – I really thank you for your participation. If you have a Rotary question which might be suitable for this new section, please write me at: