Managing Weight & Body Composition Ch. 6
Weight-Calorie Connection The Energy Equation – Lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume Gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn 1 pound of fat = about 3,500 calories Eat 500 calories less per day than the amount you need to lose 1 pound in 1 week. (500 cal/day x 7 days = 3,500 caloires) Or burn 500 calories more per day through exercise
Appropriate Weight Range Influenced by: gender, age, height, body frame, growth rate, metabolic rate, activity level A teen needs more calories than an adult because still growing
Body Mass Index (BMI) page 146 A ratio that allows you to see your body size compared to your height & weight BMI = weight x 703 Ex: 140 x 703 / (67 x 67) = 21 height 2 May be overweight May be at risk of overweight ***Appropriate weight*** May be underweight
Body Weight vs Body Fat Overweight Heavier than the standard weight range for height Obesity Having an excess amount of body fat
Risks of being Overweight Cardiovascular disease Type 2 Diabetes Cancer High Blood Pressure OsteoporosisAsthma
Underweight Def: weighing less than the standard weight range for height Is normal if genetic or fast metabolism Not normal if diets or exercises excessively If too thin may lead to fatigue & lowered ability to fight illness
Ways to Manage Weight Target healthy weight – talk to doctor Set realistic goals – gaining/losing 1- 1½ pound per week is safe Personalize plan – choose foods you would eat & activities you would do Write out goals & plan – keep a journal & track progress and evaluate
Dietary Guidelines Cartoon
Weight-Loss Strategies In general – eat foods high in nutrients & low in calories (such as vegetables, fruits, grains) & exercise Eat 1,700 – 1, 800 calories per day of a balance of the food groups. No less than 1,400 (talk to a doctor) MODERATION!!! Eat sweets & “junk food” in small portions and less often Drink plenty of water – ditch soda & juices EXERCISE 60 minutes per day
Weight-Gain Strategies Increase calorie intake Eat often & take second helpings Eat nutritious snacks (such as an apple, celery & peanut butter Build muscle – go to the gym & “pump some iron” (lift weights)
Physical Activity Aerobic exercise (ex: running) – burns calories helps lose fat Weight lifting – increases muscle mass & produces a firm lean body shape Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn, even at rest
Fad Diets Weight-loss plans that are popular for a short period of time Ex: Atkins, Zone, 3-day diet, grapefruit diet, low-fat diet, cabbage soup diet. Some fail to provide body with proper nutrition Any weight lost is usually regained (90%)…and then some!
Liquid Diets, Fasting & Diet Pills Liquid Diets – replace food with liquid formula, generally not enough fiber or nutrients Fasting – no eating. Sometimes for religious reason, generally ok because for a short period Diet Pills – avoid cause side effects. One ingredient called Ephedra has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, & death.
Eating Disorders Extreme harmful eating behavior that can cause serious illness or death Can be brought on by mental/emotional factors, poor body image, social & family pressure, or perfectionism 90% are female Is a serious health problem & those who suffer should seek professional help
Anorexia Nervosa A disorder in which the irrational fear of becoming obese results in severe weight loss from self-imposed starvation Psychological disorder Low caloric intake, obsession with exercise, emotional problems, obsessed with food, distorted body image, denial of eating problem
Anorexia Consequences Malnourished Stop menstruating (period) Loss of bone density Low body temperature & blood pressure Slowed metabolism Heart problems & cardiac arrest DEATH Requires psychological treatment
Bulimia Nervosa Disorder in which some form of purging or clearing of the digestive tract follows cycles of overeating Fasts or follows strict diet then binges May vomit or take laxatives Dehydration, kidney damage, irregular heartbeat, tooth decay, damages stomach, esophagus & mouth
Binge Eating Disorder Compulsive overeating. Consume huge amounts of food at once but don’t throw-up Use food to deal with emotions or depression Seek counseling
Videos Healthy Body, Healthy Image (LiveText-22.52): Anorexia Story (LiveText- 4.40):