5 Day Unit Plan: Day 1: What are tornadoes and how do they form? (Science) Learning why tornadoes develop and how the weather causes them. Day 2: When and where do tornadoes take place? (Geography) Learning about where tornadoes are most common and what about the area makes it so. Day 3: “Tornado in a Jar.” (Hands-on) Create a tornado in a jar with the following materials : Canned jar, water, vinegar, clear liquid soap. -Fill the jar about three-quarters full of water. Put a teaspoon of the liquid soap and a teaspoon of vinegar into the jar. Tighten the lid and shake the jar to mix up the ingredients. Now, swirl the jar in a circular motion. The liquid will form a small tornado. Day 4: Go over safety information on what to do in case of a tornado. -If you are at home, stay (or go) inside. Go down to the basement or to a room with no windows on the lowest floor of the house. -If you are outside and can't get indoors, lie down (in a ditch, if possible). -If you are in school, follow your teacher's directions about where to go and what to do. Day 5: Summarize what has been taught/learned throughout the week. (Literature) The children will draw a picture of a tornado (any size), and will write sentences about what they have learned about tornadoes underneath their drawing.
Technology Used in Unit Plan Day 1: The children will get on the computers and will be able to get on a site called, “A Kid's Guide to Tornadoes”. Day 2: The children will get on the computers and print out the following worksheet, then label and draw where “tornado alley” is. Day 3: The children will be able to go onto the computers and be able to watch how exactly to make the “tornado in a jar.” 4EeT0&feature=player_detailpage 4EeT0&feature=player_detailpage Day 4: The children will get on the computers and will be able to get on a site called, “A Kid's Guide to Tornadoes and Preventing Disaster Damage”. There, they can read what to do in case of a tornado. Day 5: The children will not use the computer/technology for this day. Instead, they will simply write sentences about what they learned and draw a picture of a tornado.
Outcome: Children will have learned how tornados are created and how they form. They will know where and why tornadoes occur where they do, and learn what “tornado alley” is. They will also learn about safety information on what to do if a tornado does occur. Children will create a “tornado in a jar,” which they can show to parents as well as peers. By showing off their projects, it will allow the child to talk and teach others about what they learned in class about tornados. Work Cited: “Tornadoes.” A Kid's Guide to Tornadoes and Preventing Disaster Damage. FEMA, n.d. Web. 1 Mar Wicker, Crystal. "Tornadoes." Weather Wiz Kids. N.p., Web. 2 Mar