1 UWF Emergency Management Are we ready? Peter Robinson, Director Environmental Health & Safety
Environmental Health and Safety Occupational Safety Fire Safety Indoor Air Quality Environmental Compliance Chemical, Biomedical, Radioactive waste Stormwater Potable Water Training Emergency Management Hurricanes Pandemics Building Emergency Coordinators 2
What We Try to Prevent 3
Emergency Management The Keys to Success: Preparedness Response Recovery Mitigation Notification Drills & Exercises 4
Emergency Communications Notification Types: The University of West Florida utilizes two different notification types, to differentiate between the severity of situations. Argo Alert (Imminent Danger) is a message that the University of West Florida utilizes to inform faculty, staff and students when a situation of imminent danger arises and requires a call for action. When an Argo Alert is sent, please take immediate action in obtaining safety & shelter. Example: Building evacuation due to a fire. UWF Notice (Non-Imminent Danger) is a message that the University of West Florida utilizes to inform faculty, staff and students when a less severe situation arises on campus. UWF Notice is typically distributed via . When a UWF Notice is sent, please be sure to take note of the campus situation for future safety & precautionary measures. Example: Announcement of campus closure due to an impending hurricane that is days away from landfall. 5
Emergency Communication Methods Text Messaging capabilities added to our emergency communications through Rave Systems Inc. Faculty, staff, and students will need to subscribe to the ArgoAlert service (in order to provide their mobile numbers).
7 Emergency Communication Methods UWF Home Page Twitter Facebook WUWF 88.1 FM
Emergency Communication Methods Public Areas Siren System -Located near B-36, B-82, HLS and Ball Field -Sounds Westminster Chimes at Noon Internal Building Broadcast System Desktop Alert System
Emergency Communication Methods NOAA Weather Radios Electronic Outdoor Entrance Sign Message Display System in Commons Lightning Prediction System Sirens and Strobes located at Tennis Courts, Intramural Field, Baseball Field, Softball Field and Track 9
Emergency Communication Methods Blue Light System 10
UWF has achieved StormReady Certification from the National Weather Service Establish a 24-hour warning point and emergency operations center; Have more than one method of receiving severe weather forecasts and warnings and alerting the public; Create a system that monitors local weather conditions; Promote the significance of public readiness through community seminars; Develop a formal hazardous weather plan, which includes training severe weather spotters and holding exercises. 11
StormReady Ceremony 12
Preparation-Response All of our Planning and Preparations get us ready to respond in a crisis. Emergency Procedures are a big part of the Planning Process 13
Emergency Procedures Fire Alarm – What to do Immediately evacuate building Grab personal belongings only if immediately accessible Close but do not lock your office door People with Disabilities As you are evacuating, inform others to leave If the corridor is filled with smoke stay low or crawl Once out of the building go to predetermined meeting location Stay out of the way of emergency personnel and vehicles 14
Emergency Procedures Fire Alarm – What not to do Do not investigate to see if the alarm is real or a false alarm. Always evacuate Do not take time to shut down your computer Do not return to your office to retrieve personnel belongings Do not attempt to fight the fire unless you have been trained and the fire is small Do not re-enter the building until given the all clear by emergency responders 15
Emergency Procedures Bomb Threat If you receive a communication that a bomb has been placed on campus, get as much information as possible Call the Police Police will conduct a search and decide if an evacuation is warranted Suspicious Package Do not handle the object Call the Police Police will decide if an evacuation is warranted 16
Emergency Procedures Hazardous Materials Spills Chemical release from local industries -Shelter-in place Chemical release on campus -Evacuation or Shelter-in-place – Depends on circumstances Utility Failures Possible building or campus closure Communicable Disease Outbreak Possible building or campus closure 17
Emergency Procedures Tornado or Severe Weather Seek shelter immediately in designated areas. If you’re inside a building… -Go to the lowest level of the building, if possible. -Stay away from windows. -Go to an interior hallway. -Use arms to protect head and neck in a “drop and tuck” position. If there is no time to get inside… -Lie in a ditch or low-lying area or crouch near a strong building. -Be aware of potential for flooding and flying debris. -Use arms to protect head and neck in a “drop and tuck” position. -Use jacket, cap, backpack or any similar items, if available, to protect face and eyes. 18
Emergency Procedures Speaking of weather… Hurricanes -University & Departmental Plans -Building Emergency Coordinators 19
Emergency Information Resources University Police Department Website Environmental Health and Safety Website Emergency Procedures Guide Building Emergency Coordinators 20
Hope for Smooth Sailing 21
Questions? 22