to First Grade
Hello! Mrs. Mary Holtkamp First Grade th year teaching first grade Married to Steve Holtkamp We have a blended family of three adult children. I enjoy reading, yoga and gardening. Business that needs to be taken care of before the first day. – Bus tags – Student Information forms – Lunch Money, etc. – Parent packets of information
Arrival/Dismissal Times School begins promptly at 8:05 a.m. All students are to walk to the gym and line up with their classmates. The entire student body will start the day together with morning exercise warm-ups, the pledge and the Eagleview Constitution. School dismisses at 3:10 p.m. Bus students will load the buses at 3:05 and all other students will be walked to either Wee Discover or to the gym doors on W. Legion Street for pick up. Please do not use or voice mail to leave dismissal change information. The office must be notified of any dismissal changes by 2:00 p.m. We will have early dismissal every Wednesday throughout the school year at 2:25 p.m. beginning on August 21, During the first week of school please have your child wear a name tag. Please include your child’s first and last name, teacher’s name and information about your child’s after school routine (ie: Eagle Zone, Wee Discover, Bus # or parent pick up).
Parent Information/ Newsletters “Take Home” Folders Please check your child’s folder every night for notes, completed papers and homework. Newsletters A weekly newsletter called “Weekly Activities” will be posted on the class webpage every Friday. This weekly posting will include topics being covered in class, spelling lists and other important information. Please check the webpage weekly. The webpage can be accessed at by choosing Eagleview in the school drop down box, click on Teachers, then Mary Holtkamp then Newsletters. Please contact me if you prefer to have a paper copy of the newsletter each week.
Grading and Homework Grading Reading, math, writing and spelling will be reported using one of four possible marks, E for “Exceeds Expectations”, S for “Satisfactory”, S- for “Developing But Below Expectations” or N for “Needs Improvement”. Social studies, science, music, physical education and character traits will be marked either S, S- or N. Homework Your child will be bringing home reading homework Monday through Thursday. Math and spelling homework will be sent home occasionally once or twice a week. It is very important to listen to your child read and sign the homework “bookmark” daily. Reading homework should not take more than 15 minutes; please contact me immediately if your child is struggling at home. Learning to read is often difficult and practice makes perfect. Readers are leaders!
Discipline Yikes! Discipline, a very intimidating topic so let’s make it simple. The very first day of school the students will help me write the “Class Rules”. If a student breaks a rule they will be given a verbal warning, a subsequent infraction will result in the child moving his or her “star” to the Warning section of the discipline chart. This is not a big deal – just a reminder of the rules. However if the student continues to make bad choices he or she will move their “star” to Miss One Recess, if bad choices continue the student will move to Miss One Recess/Call to Parents and as a last ditch measure the student will be sent to the Office for a visit with Mr. Landgraf. Please read and sign the Discipline Policy plan included in your packet.
Birthdays In my class we celebrate all birthdays, even summer birthdays. I will assign students with summer birthdays a special day in May ~ in order to have a proper celebration. Parents you are welcome to send in treats from the safe birthday treat list on or near your child’s birthday. (The list is in your packet.) We have several children in our class with severe allergies so please be mindful and considerate of their needs. Drinks are not necessary but please send utensils or plates if they are needed for the celebration.
Book Orders/Party Sign-Ups and Parent Volunteers Book Orders I have enclosed the first book order for the school year in the parent packet. If you are interested in purchasing books please return the order form and a check to school or purchase books via the Scholastic Book Club website, please be sure to use the “class code” number on the front of the order form. Party Sign-Ups Please sign up to help with class parties, Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day. Sign up sheets are on the front table. Parent Volunteers Please let me know if you are able to help in the classroom for special activities, copying papers or laminating. No experience is necessary.
Let’s Have a Terrific Year! Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns. School ext Home
Please place the following items in your child’s desk: 2 composition notebooks 1 supply box containing: 1 box of Crayons Scissors 2 glue sticks 2 sharpened pencils 1 white board markers All extra school supplies should be placed in your child’s locker Please place tissues, paper towels, napkins, bags, etc. on the colored squares.
Just a reminder for the first day; Every child must have a bus tag on their backpack. Be sure to make a name tag for your child for the first week. (I need to know how your child is getting home each day.)