The Water Planet 1.1 Water continually cycles. 1.2 CHAPTER The Water Planet the BIG idea Water moves through Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and land in a cycle. 1.1 Water continually cycles. 1.2 Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. 1.3 Fresh water flows underground. CHAPTER OUTLINE
Water continually cycles. 1.1 Water continually cycles. Water moves through Earth’s environment in a continuous cycle. fresh water salt water Evaporation Water rises as vapor. 1 water cycle evaporation condensation 2 3 Condensation Vapor changes into liquid. 2 precipitation 1 Precipitation Water falls to the surface. 3 SECTION OUTLINE
1.1 fresh water Water continually cycles. salt water Water that is not salty and has little or no taste, color, or smell. Most lakes and rivers are made up of fresh water. water cycle evaporation condensation precipitation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 salt water Water continually cycles. fresh water salt water salt water Water that contains dissolved salts and other minerals. Oceans consist of salt water. water cycle evaporation condensation precipitation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 water cycle Water continually cycles. fresh water water cycle salt water The continuous movement of water on Earth, through its atmosphere, and in the living things on Earth. water cycle evaporation condensation precipitation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 evaporation Water continually cycles. fresh water evaporation salt water A process by which a substance changes from its liquid state to its gas state by random particle movement. Evaporation usually occurs at the surface of a liquid over a wide range of temperatures. water cycle evaporation condensation precipitation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 condensation Water continually cycles. fresh water condensation salt water The process by which a gas changes into a liquid. water cycle evaporation condensation precipitation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 precipitation Water continually cycles. fresh water precipitation salt water Any type of liquid or solid water that falls to Earth’s surface, such as rain, snow, or hail. water cycle evaporation condensation precipitation KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. 1.2 Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. Water on land collects and flows in rivers and lakes. Much of Earth’s fresh water is frozen. divide drainage basin turnover eutrophication iceberg River Lake SECTION OUTLINE
1.2 divide Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. drainage basin turnover A continuous high line of land (or ridge) from which water drains to one side or the other. eutrophication iceberg KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.2 drainage basin Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. divide drainage basin drainage basin turnover An area of land in which water drains into a stream system. The borders of a drainage basin are called divides. eutrophication iceberg KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.2 turnover Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. divide turnover drainage basin turnover The yearly rising and sinking of cold and warm water layers in a lake. eutrophication iceberg KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.2 eutrophication Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. divide eutrophication drainage basin turnover An increase in nutrients in a lake or pond. Eutrophication can occur naturally or as a result of pollution, and causes increased growth of algae and plants. eutrophication iceberg KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.2 iceberg Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. divide iceberg drainage basin turnover A mass of floating ice that broke away from a glacier. eutrophication iceberg KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Fresh water flows underground. 1.3 Fresh water flows underground. Water collects and moves beneath the land surface. groundwater permeable impermeable Water collects in open spaces in soil, gravel, or rock. water table Gravity pulls water down through permeable materials until it reaches an impermeable layer. aquifer spring artesian well The impermeable layer prevents water from sinking farther down. SECTION OUTLINE
1.3 groundwater Fresh water flows underground. permeable Water that collects and is stored underground. impermeable water table aquifer spring artesian well KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.3 permeable Fresh water flows underground. groundwater permeable permeable Allowing the passage of water. impermeable water table aquifer spring artesian well KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.3 impermeable Fresh water flows underground. groundwater impermeable permeable Resistant to the passage of water. impermeable water table aquifer spring artesian well KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.3 water table Fresh water flows underground. groundwater water table permeable The highest part in the ground that is saturated, or completely filled with water. impermeable water table aquifer spring artesian well KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.3 aquifer Fresh water flows underground. groundwater aquifer permeable An underground layer of permeable rock that contains water. impermeable water table aquifer spring artesian well KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.3 spring Fresh water flows underground. groundwater spring permeable A flow of water from the ground at a place where the surface of the land dips below the water table. impermeable water table aquifer spring artesian well KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.3 artesian well Fresh water flows underground. groundwater artesian well permeable A well in which pressurized water flows upward to the surface. impermeable water table aquifer spring artesian well KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
1.1 Water continually cycles. I. Water continually cycles. fresh water A. Water is a unique substance. salt water B. Water covers most of Earth. water cycle 1. Water and Life evaporation 2. Fresh Water and Salt Water condensation precipitation C. Water moves in a worldwide cycle. 1. The Water Cycle 2. The Impact of the Water Cycle KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. 1.2 Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. II. Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. divide A. Water flows and collects on Earth’s surface. drainage basin B. Surface water collects in ponds and lakes. turnover 1. Lake Turnover eutrophication 2. Eutrophication iceberg C. Most fresh water on Earth is frozen. 1. Ice on Land 2. Icebergs KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Fresh water flows underground. 1.3 Fresh water flows underground. III. Fresh water flows underground. groundwater A. Water fills underground spaces. permeable 1. Aquifers impermeable 2. The Importance of Aquifers water table B. Underground water can be brought to the surface. aquifer 1. Springs and Wells spring 2. Hot Springs artesian well KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY