June 8, 2011 “A true self can not deceive itself” -Rorty
Course Administration ◦ Syllabus Change
Let’s Self-Discover!
address – I will be using your UTA address so please activate or check it. Keep track of your own points Don’t procrastinate on reading Assessments are all due Friday, January 28 th Don’t forget! Don’t procrastinate about the LAP.
The Arbinger Institute. (2002). Leadership and self-deception. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.. “I found myself speechless. How could I know I had a problem if I didn’t even what the problem was?” p. 7
To be reflective To be all about you
EMOTIONS THOUGHTS BELIEF SYSTEMS What people see What you feel What you think Generated from your value system
Young Red-necked Wallaby-allows it to blend in with its environment.
Distraction Camouflage Physical deception through the alterations of appearances Dissimulation (concealing truth, half-truths) Slight of hand Propaganda Self-deception cealment. There is also
To lie to oneself, to hold beliefs outside of awareness. -Sackeim (1983)
-Robert Trivers
What’s wrong with self-deception?
DECEPTIONSELF-DECEPTION Can be harmful to people Has a disregard for the truth Generally has a tone of manipulation Leaves others feeling betrayed Undermines another’s agency. Can be harmful to people Has a disregard for the truth Involves the manipulation of oneself Undermines one’s agency Can become habitual with a need to be perpetuated – a need to see oneself despite the evidence
The remaining columns of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, Greece “Know Thyself” Was inscribed on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo circa de 4 th century BC KNOW THYSELF …. (Bennis, 1989)
It is the most difficult task any of us faces, it stay in a state of knowing ourselves. To understand both our strengths and weaknesses. To know what we want to do and why we want to do it. The leader never lies to himself, especially about himself, he knows his flaws as well as his assets and deals with them directly. Lack of awareness, whether through neglect or arrogance is a major contributor to career derailment. -McCall, 1998, & Bennis, 1989
-Pienaar, (2009) Self deception and self awareness: making the connection
“the need to know and the fear of knowing” -Abraham Maslow (1968)
Currently there are well over 15,000 published articles and books on leadership. Focus is on skills, characteristics and behaviors of successful and effective leaders. There are fewer resources identifying and describing ineffective leadership practices. Hogan, 2001, according to their research, believe that between 50-75% of leaders are not performing well, they are ineffective. Burke, 2006
Blakeley, 2007, it is more important to investigate the blind spots of leaders and those in authority as it will normally have more impact. The higher the position, the more power a person wields the more significant and the blind spot(s) will have over the people involved and on the organization.
“Awareness should not be confused with introspection or insight; rather, ‘at its best, awareness is a continuous means for keeping up to date with one’s self…It is always there, like an underground stream, ready to be tapped into when needed, a refreshing and revitalizing experience’ “ (Polster & Polster, 1973, pp ).
Studies have been conducted (Greenwald, 1980, Alicke, 1985, Zuckerman, 1979, Munro, 2009) that indicate people generally over-estimate their standing on most positive characteristics and engage in self-serving attributional thinking. When information threatens people’s positive views of themselves, they will seek to ignore, discredit or minimize the significance of the threatening information (Munro, 2009).