Driver Compliance to Traffic Control Devices – A Study to Improve Traffic Safety in Kuwait Fahad Al-Rukaibi, Ph.D. Mohammed Ahmed Ali, Ph.D., P.E. Ahmad Aljassar, Ph.D. Lulwa Al-Abdulmuhsen, M.Sc.
INTRODUCTION Kuwait - one of the highest accident fatality rates in the world. In 2006, >450 deaths were reported from 60,000 traffic crashes; >2.75 million traffic violations. Analysis of traffic crashes in Kuwait indicated driver error as the most prominent cause. Growing concern over the seriousness of driver non-compliance with traffic control devices (TCDs) in Kuwait.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To undertake an analysis of the traffic violations records collected from the Ministry of Interior (MOI) in Kuwait. To investigating the driver compliance to stop-controlled intersections and roundabouts. To study driver behaviour with regards to the TCDs. To develop recommendations for TCD compliance.
DATA AND METHOD Traffic violations & accident statistics collected from Ministry of Interior, Kuwait TCD compliance surveys undertaken at signalized intersections, roundabout intersections, 4-way stop control intersections and right-in/right-out stop control intersections A total of 10 stop controlled intersections and 10 roundabout intersections were sampled for direct observation/video surveys in different Governorates in Kuwait. Typical survey forms were developed based on the Manual of Transportation Studies. Surveys were undertaken during the peak and non-peak periods.
DATA AND METHOD Two types of data were collected in these surveys Inventory and site description and compliance data. For stop and roundabout junctions the following four categories of driver action are identified: Not stopping Practically Stopped Stopped by traffic (forced stop) and Voluntary full stop Categories 1 and 2 represent total and partial non-compliance while the categories 3 and 4 represent compliance to the TCDs
DATA AND METHOD Driver behaviour questionnaire survey was undertaken using a pre-tested questionnaire. The following information was included: Compliance with TCDs, traffic signs, road markings and posted speeds Driver behaviour with regards to shoulder lane, parking, yellow light and mobile phone use Behaviour at stop signs, roundabout yield sign Self reported violations and accidents, and Personal information
RESULTS A total of 2.76 million violations have occurred in 2006. Over 800 thousand over speed violations and 80 thousand seat belt violations also raise cause of safety concern in Kuwait
RESULTS High proportion of drivers were found to be in violation of TCD compliance in all types of intersections. 25% of the drivers did not stop at-all the right-in /right-out intersections during the morning peak and 21.4% in the afternoon peak. The non-compliance was higher during the non-peak period with over 40% of the drivers not stopping before entering the main road. Full compliance at these intersections was found to be very low (5-10%).
RESULTS High proportion of drivers were found to be in violation of TCD compliance in all types of intersections. 25% of the drivers did not stop at-all the right-in /right-out intersections during the morning peak and 21.4% in the afternoon peak. The non-compliance was higher during the non-peak period with over 40% of the drivers not stopping before entering the main road. Full compliance at these intersections was found to be very low (5-10%).
RESULTS Very high degree of non-compliance was observed at the 4-way stop controlled intersections These intersections are usually located on local streets within the residential neighborhoods, commercial or industrial areas Significantly higher proportion of drivers not complying with stop-control is a cause of concern for traffic safety Over 60% of the drivers were found to be full-non-compliant to the stop-control while meager 3% drivers were found to be in full-compliance to the stop-control signs at 4-way stop control intersections
RESULTS Large numbers of intersections at secondary-secondary and secondary-local road intersections in Kuwait are roundabouts which operate with typical yield control. The surveys aimed to capture the full-voluntary yielding behaviour of drivers, indicate an utter lack of respect for the yield control at the roundabout intersections. Approximately 3-5% of the respondents were found to be in full-compliance and 40% in full non-compliance to yield control
RESULTS A significant proportion of drivers interviewed disclosed negligence towards following the traffic rules including the TCDs. Over 30% respondents showed disregard for STOP, 23% for YIELD and 21% towards the traffic light. This self reported disregard towards these important traffic control devices points to the lack of education in terms of traffic safety among the drivers in Kuwait. Over 26% drivers reported not following the directives of road markings Over 35% respondents did not obey the speed limit in secondary and local roads. These results also points towards focusing on driver education and more stringent speed enforcement in the neighborhoods and internal roads in residential districts. Significant number of surveyed drivers have shown apathy towards parking rules, respect of emergency lanes and disregard to safe driving habits.
RESULTS Although Kuwait boasts of a modern road infrastructure with significantly high density of road network, it suffers from lack of proper signage, traffic control or design issues which add to the issues related to traffic safety
CONCLUSIONS This paper has presented the results of a study undertaken at Kuwait University funded by the Kuwait Foundation of Advancement of Sciences The study was aimed to quantify non-compliance for: stop signs, yield signs, and red signal indication at a selected intersection sites in Kuwait The results of the direct observation and video surveys have indicated very high degree of non-compliance at the 4-way stop controlled intersections, right-out STOP control intersections and YIELD controlled roundabout intersections. Significantly higher proportion of drivers not complying with stop-control is a cause of concern for traffic safety. Over 60% of the drivers were found to be full-non-compliant to the stop-control while smaller insignificant 3% drivers were found to be in full-compliance to the stop-control signs at 4-way intersections. Similar results were noted at other types of intersection control.
CONCLUSIONS A large number of deficient designs and/or control were found on a number of roadway and intersection locations in Kuwait. This underscores the importance of improving the control signage and road markings. The standards and specifications of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Kuwait Signs and Road Markings Manual shall be implemented to improve the compliance of the TCDs in Kuwait.
CONCLUSIONS Driver interview surveys undertaken during the survey period at sites near the selected intersections have indicated lack of knowledge and/or acceptance of these types of controls on the streets. The rising trends in traffic violations and accident as well as road fatalities reinforce the concept of stricter enforcements, improved driver education, tighter driver licensing controls and engineering measures such as ‘Traffic Calming’ and regular traffic safety audit on Kuwait’s Road Network. The indications from the Public Authorities in Kuwait are very encouraging. The Government of Kuwait has recently established Higher Traffic Council and has put traffic safety and congestion issues on top priority.
RECOMMENDATIONS Implement proper signage and road markings as per the MUTCD and the Kuwait Signs Manual. Undertake safety audit of the entire road network in Kuwait to identify unsafe locations and improve them as per the specifications of the MUTCD and local Kuwait Standards. Although, this will be a very expensive proposition, sufficient funding may be available from the Government due to the fact that traffic safety is one of the most important thrust elements of government policy in Kuwait. The study results have indicated lack of knowledge and understanding of the meaning of the TCDs (in providing road safety) among the drivers in Kuwait. This underscores the importance of driver education. Aggressive driver education and media campaign shall be instituted to bring sufficient awareness among the road users in Kuwait.
RECOMMENDATIONS The enforcement aspect of the Ministry of Interior, Kuwait is rightly focused on over-speeding and red-light running violations. It is recommended to include violations of the TCDs including Stop-control, Yield-control and road marking violations in to the enforcement regime. These violations and associated penalties shall be properly defined and implemented. As a next step this study also recommends further large scale studies to identify hazardous roadway and intersection locations and to propose design solutions to improve the traffic safety situations in these locations.