Hectic Ethics Computer Applications Mrs. Wohleb
Objectives Students will be able to: Describe ethical considerations resulting from technological advances Hacking Privacy Restricted Sites Copyright Spreading Viruses Consequences Misuse of Technology Reliability of electronic information Netiquette
Hacking Unauthorized use of computer and network resources "hacker" originally meant a very gifted programmer Hacking is a felony in the United States and most other countries
Ethical Hacking Ethical hacking is the methodology adopted by ethical hackers to discover the vulnerabilities existing in information systems operating environments Ethical hackers typically employ the same tools and techniques as criminal attackers, but they neither damage the target systems nor steal information
How Private is Your Information Unsolicited is not regulated by federal law at present A few companies are creating huge databases full of private information The federal government regulates only its own databases, leaving private database owners to decide how and when to distribute collected information
Privacy Privacy refers to the information on a computer as it relates to individuals and businesses Seeing private, protected and copyrighted electronic information is a part of working with computers Knowing how to ethically handle this information is what is important
Copyright A copyright is a property right attached to an original work of art or literature It grants the author or creator exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, adapt, perform, or display the protected work
Restricted Sites A restricted web site or web area is a site that is only available for viewing by a certain group of people, such as students in a particular course Restrictions can be made according to the IP number, subnet or domain of machines, or by user name and password.
Help My Computer’s Sick A computer virus passes from computer to computer like a biological virus passes from person to person It must piggyback on top of some other program or document in order to get executed Once it is running, it is then able to infect other programs or documents
Consequences For those who intentionally cause damage by transmitting a virus, the punishment can amount to ten years in federal prison, plus a fine For those who transmit a virus with only "reckless disregard" to the damage it will cause, the maximum punishment stops at a fine and a year in prison
Misuse of Technology Includes Hacking using to intimidate or threaten students illegally downloading music plagiarizing information from the Internet using cellular phones during class time accessing pornographic Web sites and playing video games during class
Reliability One of the great things about the Internet is that anyone, no matter their age, education, or personal beliefs, etc. can publish information On the other hand, one of the problems with the Internet is that anyone, no matter their age, education, or personal beliefs, etc. can publish information That means that you, as the consumer of Internet information, must be especially careful when you are selecting materials to believe and to cite in an academic paper
Reliability Questions Who is the author or sponsor of the page Are there obvious reasons for bias Is contact information provided Is there a copyright symbol on the page Is the page a “zombie” Can you verify the information
Netiquette Simply stated, it's network etiquette -- that is, the etiquette of cyberspace Examples of Netiquette Do not type in all Caps Do not leave the subject field blank Refrain from formatting your with colored text and background colors Never give out phone numbers or personal information