Romantic Era 1825-1900 1828-1900 A.D. “Romantic” – subjectivity, the expression of personal feelings, sentimentality, the occupation with nature, the interest in magic or fairy tale, intrigue into the supernatural, and a desire for freedom from limitations of conventional formal patterns and harmonic rules. The Romantic period is basically characterized by its disregard of limitations and expansion of the Classical time period and forms
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Duality – something having two parts Romantic Dualities – the ability to have opposites in a song Words and Music Equal partnership of words and music Composers as the authors Inclusion of vocal music in instrumental works Program music Composer and Audience Composed for specific performer(s) both commissioned and uncommissioned
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Individual and Crowd Composed for performances before a circle of friends Composed for unknown performers, unknown future audiences Composed for personal expression without regard for audience Individual and Crowd Virtuoso composer-performer with or without orchestra, accompaniment Single performer in a solo recital Conductor directing with baton, and standing between audience and performers Composers not recognized as performers
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Professional and Amateur Sacred and Secular Composer showing concern for amateur music making in the home, community, in addition to writing works for own use Sacred and Secular Inclusion of religious texts in secular works Settings of religious texts not suitable for church service Urban and Rural Composers living in urban centers, writing for urban audiences, preoccupied with nature, composing program music of landscapes, seascapes, etc.
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Time Line National and International Inclusion of folk songs and folk dance elements of own country and that of other countries Expressions of patriotism, national senitment Interest in Eastern exoticism Time Line 1860: Unification of Italy 1861-1865: American Civil War 1861: Russia abolishes serfdom 1870’s: Russo-Turkish War – weakens Ottoman empire and Russia expands into Central Asia
Romantic Era 1825-1900 1870: Franco-Prussian War – unification of Prussia (Germany) under Kaiser Wilhelm I and Otto von Bismark Rise of nationalism – patriotism to one’s country Rise of imperialism – the expansion and conquest of major powers to colonize the Americas, Africa, and Far East Rise of socialism - the state controls economy for the needs of society
Romantic Era 1825-1900
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Technology 1877: Thomas Edison invents the phonograph 1887: Gramophone invented 1895: The first radio transmissions by the Marconi Company
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Johannes Brahms 1833-1897 German composer, pianist Composed music for piano, chamber music, symphonies, overtures, concertos, choral works Moved to Vienna, composed music and concertized it to make a living Most famous piece: Lullaby
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Richard Wagner 1813-1883 German composer Mainly composed operas and dramas; also composed orchestral pieces, chamber music, and choral songs Built his own ideal theater, meaning that he designed and built a theater to fit the needs of his operas Designed his own instrument for this songs, called the Wagner Tuba
Romantic Era 1825-1900
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Guiseppe Verdi 1813-1901 Italian composer Composed operas, choral works, instrumental pieces Meticulous composer, he would check word for word in any libretto that he would set music to and then change if he felt it was necessary
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Franz Liszt 1811-1886 Hungarian composer Virtuoso pianist, composer, conductor, author, and teacher Liszt began playing piano a very young age, and traveled while performing He became tired of performing and wanted to be a priest, but when his father died, he decided to stay with music Liszt traveled around Germany, to Paris, London, and parts of Italy performing and composing
Romantic Era 1825-1900 When Liszt married, his wife convinced him to stop performing and to focus on composing Liszt met Berlioz Wagner, and Chopin, who influenced his composing by introducing more Romantic elements into his songs Liszt divorced, took kids and travelled – ended up in Rome to work on religious studies, to teacher, and some conducting Died of pneumonia
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Modest Musorsky 1839-1881 Russian composer, singer, and pianist One of the big five Russian composers, the most talented and most nationalistic Known for his nationalistic compositions
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Antonin Dvorak 1841-1904 Czechoslovakian composer, pianist, violinist, conductor Well known for spreading the music of bohemian composers to other countries Known for the “New World” symphony
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Pyotr Tchaikovsky 1840-1893 Russian composer, pianist, and writer Composed 10 operas, 3 ballets, 6 symphonies, overtures, string quartets, piano trios, vocal works, and piano solos Known for: “The Nutcracker” and the “1812 Overture”
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Sergev Rakhmaninov Hugo Wolf 1873-1943 Russian composer, pianist, and conductor Known for “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” Hugo Wolf 1860-1903 German composer, pianist, and violinist Known for composing some of the best German songs set to poetry
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Gustav Mahler 1860-1911 Austrian composer, conductor, and pianist Conductor of the NY Metropolitan Opera, and NY Philharmonic Composed nine symphonies and many German songs
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Richard Strauss Camille Saint-Saens 1864-1949 German composer, pianist, conductor Camille Saint-Saens 1835-1921 French composer, pianist, conductor Gabriel Faure 1845-1924
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Claude Debussy Maurice Ravel James Paine 1862-1918 Leading French composer, pianist, conductor Maurice Ravel 1875-1937 Leading French composer after Debussy’s death James Paine 1839-1906 American composer
Romantic Era 1825-1900 Edward Macdowell Amy Cheney Beach Charles Ives 1860-1908 American composer Amy Cheney Beach 1867-1944 American pianist, composer First female American composer to be recognized Charles Ives 1874-1954