TFACTS Private Provider Financial/Invoicing Overview 1.


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Presentation transcript:

TFACTS Private Provider Financial/Invoicing Overview 1

Table Of Contents Creating A Roster Slide 3 Checking the Status of a Submitted Roster Slide 19 Appending A Roster Slide 22 View a Payment History Slide 25 Removing A Roster To Correct An ErrorSlide 30 Post Custody In-home Billing Procedures Slide 32 Invoicing Temporary Breaks Slide 47 2

CREATING, APPROVING, AND ROUTING A ROSTER Providers will be using TFACTS to create a list of payment records to confirm for invoicing. Payment records are organized onto rosters for ease of processing. A payment requests roster organizes payment requests records which are ready for payment into logical groupings for ease of validation and approval. 3

Note: This screen shows the request to display contract placement records. System security allows a provider to view their own records but not other providers’ records. (Note: this screen will look different for providers.) Payment/Billing Requests Search 1. Click Financial > Payment. The link menu for payments appears. * Providers may get the security error shown. Disregard and go to the next step. 2. Click Payment Request Search in the link menu. The Payment/Billing Requests Search Screen appears. 4

Note: Use contract placement services for your search criteria. This will cause the system to display the residential placement records for a private provider. Payee name should always be “provider name” since they are the provider being paid. 3. Choose Contract Placement Services from the drop down menu depending on which services you are billing for. *All rosters need to be region specific. It is possible to separate each region’s payment records at this point by choosing a region from the drop down menu. 4. No other search criteria is needed. Click Search. The matching payment requests appear in the search results grid. *You can choose how many records will display on each page by changing the number in the display box. The maximum is 100. The Payment/Billing Requests Search Screen allows you to select the criteria of payment requests to include in a roster. 5

5. Review the list of payment request records. 6. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and Click Create Roster. The Create Roster screen appears. (see next slide) 6

7. Enter a name for this roster in the Roster Name field. Refer to the names currently in use to avoid duplication. 8. Click Save. You are returned to the Process Payment Requests search screen. * Note: Providers are to name their rosters using the following formula: Provider agency, ending service date, roster # (For example: Omni ) 7

9. Search for the payment request roster you just created by going to Financial > Payment > Payment/Billing Requests Roster 10. Choose Non-Approved Rosters only. 11.Select worker and roster name from drop down menu. (The roster you created in the previous exercise should be present.) 12.Click Search 8

13. Your roster will display. 14. Click select next to one of the payment records to view more detailed information and to enter an invoice number for the record. *A separate invoice number for all records is required. 9

This screen allows you to view the details of the payment record and assign invoice numbers to the record. Apply invoice numbers as you do currently. 15.Enter an invoice number for each record. You are not required to enter an invoice date. 16.Click Save to go to the roster screen to choose another record. *If you just wanted to view more information and don’t need to enter an invoice number you will click Cancel to go back to the previous screen. 10

After you create a roster you must approve the payment records and then route it to the appropriate fiscal department for further approval and payment. *Pay attention to the dates and client names to be sure they are correct. If you find an error contact the region’s placement division. That record must be removed from the roster before you approve payments. 17. Click Approve Payment Route Roster to Regional Fiscal Director for Approval 11

18.Check the box under the Approve heading for all payments you want to submit. 19.Click Save at the bottom of the screen to return to the Payment Requests Roster screen. Note: If you discover an error in your roster you may want to remove the roster and start over again. Go to slide 30 for more information on how to remove a roster. 12

13 At this point you may want to check to see that each of your payment records has an invoice number. Fiscal will send back any payments that do not have an invoice number assigned and it will delay payment. 20. Click Select next to the record you want to check.

14 21.Check to see if an invoice number has been assigned. 22. Click Close. * If you click Save the invoice number will be deleted. If you do this by accident you will have to un-approve the record, then add the invoice number again. See slide 30 for directions on how to un-approve a payment record.

Once you have a roster that is finalized and ready to be submitted you will route the roster for final approval to the Regional Fiscal Department. 23. Choose Approve Roster from the drop down menu. 24. Click Go. 25. The Process Approval Screen appears. 15

26. Choose Review and Route from Action drop down menu. Note: Do not select approve or you will have to contact regional fiscal to start the process again. 27. Select relevant Organization, Organization Category, Team, and Reviewers from Drop Down Menus. (The reviewer options will pre-populate depending on what region you are sending it to.) 28. Click Save. Your roster has been routed. 16

To confirm your payment has been routed you will need to search for the roster again. 29. Click on Payment/Billing Requests Roster 30. Search for Non-Approved Rosters only. 31. Select Worker and Roster Name from the drop down menu. 32. Click search. 17

33. Select Approve Roster from the drop down menu in the bottom right hand corner. *Doing this process will not affect the roster that you have previously submitted. 34. Click Go. 35. If you roster has been routed it will list it in the Routing/Approval History section of the screen. 36. Click Cancel to return to previous screen. 18


1.From the Home page click on Financial> Payment 2.Select Payment/Billing Requests Roster 3.Select Approved Rosters only and enter approval date. (Month and Year, 06/2010) 4.Click Filter Worker 5.Choose Worker and Roster Name from drop down menu. 6.Click Search. 20

Roster displays from search. Only approved rosters will be displayed. 21

APPENDING A ROSTER This feature allows a user to attach two or more rosters together for ease of payment. For instance, if you have created a roster and then find you are missing a payment or a new payment has been processed from Central Office you can attach them together. 22

Note: this only works for rosters not routed. 1. From the Payment/Billing Request Roster Search screen Click Append to Roster. 23

The Add to Roster screen appears. 2. Complete the Worker and Roster fields to define the roster you are appending. The roster names are organized by worker. 3. Click Save. You are returned to the Process Payment Requests search screen. 24

VIEW A PAYMENT HISTORY Note: The payment history will show all payment records regardless of the payment status. Thus, the payment history is not an indication that the payment has been issued. 25

1. From the Home screen, click Financial > Payment. The link menu for payments appears. 2. Click Payment History Search in the link menu. The Payment History Search screen appears. 26

4.Enter person ID in person search field. 5. Click search. 27

8.Click “select” next to the payment you want to view. 8.Disbursement Date - indicates that the invoice has been submitted to Edison. 28

9.Click the view link for the payment record you want to view. The Payment History Information screen appears.  The service authorization screen is view only – no changes can be made. 10. Click Close to return to the Payment History Search screen. 29


1.Go to Payment/Billing Requests Roster from the Resource/Payment tab. Search for the roster you wish to remove. 2.You must first un-approve any approved payments so that they will return to your payment pool. 3.Click Approve Payments 4.Uncheck the check mark box next to the payments you want to return to the pool. 5.Click Save. 6.Choose Remove Roster from the drop down menu. 7.Click Go. Your roster is removed. 31


Providers will utilize this billing procedure for youth who have exited custody, but are still receiving in-home services through the provider agency. Post Custody In home services billing records are created as “non placement” service authorization type payments (vs residential placement records that are viewed as “contract residential placement service authorization type). After a payment process is run by DCS Central office accounts payable, the approved service authorizations create Post Custody Continuum in home billing records. To view your billing records, select “non placement” service authorization type and select “search” (detailed instructions are provided in the upcoming slides). The system will display the billing records for your organization. Since, these records are created by a different process than residential placements, several differences should be noted. Observe: The payable units created are for one unit. The total amount shown is for one unit times the unit rate. In order to adjust the billing record, providers need to perform the following: Place these records on a separate billing roster. In other words, do not combine this billing record with a regular placement record. You will go to payment/ billing requests search as you have in the past to create a roster as shown on the screen below. 33

1.To view your billing records, select “non placement” service authorization type and click Search. 2.The system will display the billing records for your organization. 34

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. 4. Click Create Roster. 35

5. Create the name of the roster including the description: “Post Custody in Home” and end date of billing period. 36

6. Retrieve the roster by selecting Payment/ billing requests roster. 7. To edit the billing record, click on select. 37

8. To add invoice number, click on the box titled Invoice Number and add the invoice number. 9. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. 38

10. Click Save at the bottom of the page to be returned to the roster page. 39

11.To edit number of units select Update Units button. *Please note on residential payments this update units is not available. This feature is only available for Post Custody in home. (If the number of days needs to be edited for residential, the placement must be edited not the billing record.) 40

This screen enables you to edit the number of days, under the “Payable Units” column. 41

12.Enter the amount of payable units for each person. i.e., The user has entered 30 payable units for the above service. 13.Once the units have all been edited, click on Apply. The next slide will show you the changes made once you have selected Apply. 42

The page will be updated to show the correct number of units, multiplied times the unit cost and calculated as total cost. In other words, 30 units times the unit cost of 200 becomes $ Once you have checked the costs and units, click Save to be returned to the roster page. 43

Once the units on the page have been edited and you have saved the roster, you will be returned to the roster page as shown in this slide. Once all payment records have been updated, the payment records need to be approved. 15. Click the Approve Payment button at bottom of roster page. 44

This slide shows an example of the screen to be displayed, once you click on the Approve Payment button, shown in the previous slide. 45

As shown above the “Approve Payment” has been selected. 16. Click the Approve check box. 17.Then click the save button at the bottom of the screen and route the roster the same as you would for other billing rosters to your regional fiscal director. *See slides 13 and 14 for directions on routing rosters. 46

Invoicing Temporary Breaks When a provider sees a “R” next to a payment record when they create a roster it may be because the client had a temporary break in services, i.e., absconder episode. These temporary breaks must be put on their own separate roster and sent to Central Office for review. Temporary break records will have a $0 amount and must be routed to Central Office. 47

* The red "R" displays only when a record is on a roster. So, when they are removed, the red "R" is not displayed but once they are put on the temporary break roster the red "R" shows up again. These records cannot be "fixed" by providers and must be routed to DCS Central office for follow-up. A ‘R’ next to a payment record denotes a payment needing review. 1.Remove the records from roster by clicking the Remove button on the right hand side of the screen. (Not shown on this screenshot.) 48

2. Search for the payment records by going to Payment/Billing Requests Search. By returning to search payment records the removed payment records may be viewed and placed on a separate roster. 3. Click Create Roster. 49

4. After the temporary breaks roster is created you will need to approve the payments and route them to Central Office. 50

5. Click Approve Payment. 51

6. Check the box under the Approve heading for all payments you want to submit. 7.Click Save at the bottom of the screen to return to the Payment Requests Roster screen. 52

8.You can click the select link next to the payment record if you would like to know more information about the payment record. 53

The comments on the record will show this as a temporary break. 9. Click Cancel to return to the previous screen. 54

Once you have a roster that is finalized and ready to be submitted you will route the roster for final approval to Central Office 10. Choose Approve Roster from the drop down menu. 11. Click Go. Your roster has been routed. 12. The Process Approval Screen appears. 55

13.Choose Review and Route from Action drop down menu. Note: Do not select approve or you will have to contact regional fiscal to start the process again. 14.Select Organization Category – Central Office Organization – DCS Central Office Team – Fiscal Team -DCS Central Office, and a Reviewer from the Drop Down Menus. 15.Click Save. 56

HELPFUL HINTS Any field with a red asterisk must be completed in order to go on to the next task. Providers may get a security error when first logging on to the payment page. Disregard and click the Payment/Billing Request Search link. System security allows provider to view their own records but not other providers’ records. Each agency must complete a separate roster for each region. Separate regions in the search process by selecting in which region you want to search for payments. When naming your rosters in the system use the following formula: Provider agency, ending service date, roster # (For example, Omni ) 6. Pay attention to the dates and client names to be sure they are correct when creating your roster. If you find an error contact the region’s placement division. That record must be removed from the roster before you approve payments. 7.When you route your roster choose review and route – not approve. If you select approve you will need to contact the region’s fiscal director and start the process over again. 8.After a provider has entered and saved an invoice number on a payment record, the system will return them to the roster page. The invoice number has been saved.. However, if they reopen the payment record to see if it is still in the invoice field, DO NOT "resave" the record because this will remove the invoice number. The correct way to exit the page is to CANCEL. You will be returned by the system to the roster page and your invoice number will not be removed. 57