2. Human Sinfulness: Self- righteousness Romans 2:1-16 p Romans:
Self realization I am a sinner I have sinned 1. Who I am 2. What I have done I am a sinner, not just someone who commits sins
1. Perspective We must ask what the “therefore” is there for! Go right back to 1:18: “The wrath of God is being revealed” V 16: “the Gospel... is the power of God for salvation” Critical nature of the situation: FOR in the gospel the righteousness of God is being revealed FOR the wrath of God is being revealed... against wickedness God’s wrath is being revealed Therefore also against those who pass judgment on others because they do the same things
2. Pride I do not fit the description entirely... Not all Romans or Pagans were debauched either! Stoic philosophy encouraged virtuous living. Paul is challenging all “who pass judgment” Not because it’s wrong to agree with Paul Because it’s wrong to EXCLUDE ourselves !!! I am guilty of the same disregard for the wellbeing of others !!!
3. Penitence “God’s kindness is intended to bring repentance” Key words (v 4-5): “Contempt”; “stubbornness”; “unrepentant heart” Revealed in how some Christians criticise the church. Beware: “you are condemning yourself” (v 1) The story of the Lost sheep (Luke 15:1-7)
3. Penitence... Repentance: a fundamental characteristic of the Christian Life
4. Perseverance God will repay everyone: According to what they have done (v. 6) NOT according to what they believe ! Obedience and faith are inseparable Two ways to live: Persevere in doing good (v 7, 10) Be self seeking, reject the truth, follow evil (v 8,9) Ps 62:12 – Faith and trust vs pursuit of evil.
Instead of living in Pride Let us live in Penitence & Persevere in doing good