reduce the intensity of (a conflict or potentially violent situation). When you de-escalate someone or some situation, you act to improve the situation (and not make it worse.) Your intervention might be something you do, something you say or even choosing to do or say nothing. Just about anything could be the right response.
Students will display a behavior or act in a specific way to either: Escape Something Avoid Something Gain Something This is not always easy to recognize but we as teachers and role models to students need to remain curious about the real reason behind the Behavior of Concern
Carry in Carry over Tune in Behavior motivated by stimuli located outside of the environment. (family relationships, neighborhood issues, legal issues, home issues) Behavioral Issues that are generated from within the program. (bullying, over stimulation, peer to peer, staff to peer, academic difficulties) Behavior occurs when an individual is reminded of past traumatic experience. (smells, sights, transitions, interactions)
Peak Period of De- escalation
First and foremost you need to be aware of yourself and your surroundings.
ONE RESPONSE DOES NOT FIT ALL. STUDENTS WILL INSULT YOUR: CHARACTERISTICS- physical appearance/mannerisms HOME & HEARTH: What you value PROFESSIONALISM How you do your job Oppositional and Defiant Behaviors: Making deals Last word Blatant rule violation Constant questioning Manipulating staff Refusal to comply Loopholes
Building and program policies Staff perform assigned responsibilities Working as a team Knowing the population that you are working with Establishing rules and Consequences Consistency and routines Transitions Planning and executing effective and successful transitions RELATIONSHIP BUILDING
Meet and Greet Demonstrate openness Interest relating Random positive connections Praise Utilize appropriate humor Teach acceptable behavior Recognize milestones Be aware of events Share mealtimes Participate when appropriate in activities Positively correct behavior
Staff presence: Possibly change out staff, more staff arrive, or some staff leave. Affect: What is the staffs demeanor, what message is the staff portraying(calm, confidence, unsure, anger) Planned ignoring: Choosing to disregard inconsequential behavior and/or waiting to address a situation. Signals: conveying a message through some type of movement Eye Contact Expressions Body language Gestures Proximity Control- Non-threatening and do not invade personal space Touch Prompt
This is a purposeful control of tone, rate of speech and volume to clarify or emphasize meaning. How can changing your tone, rate and volume affect a students escalation or de-escalation?
Encouragement: Staff urge the individual to participate, cooperate and or communicate Indicate Concern- be empathetic. Use “I” & “we” messages Use a soothing demeanor Use clear language- patience and repetition Encourage participation and cooperation Attempt to divert focus- temporarily change attention Change the environment Offer choices- options that would promote calming and rethinking
Paraphrase techniques Clarify and demonstrate interest by restating the conversation Perception Checking Understand the motivation for the behavior Behavior description Identify the specific behavior Open ended questions and phrases “Tell me more”, “help me understand”, “please Explain ” Reflecting feelings : Identify the current feeling whether it is being expressed and observable or hidden