College Information Night Presented by Palisades Guidance Department
Self-Assessment Interests - Naviance Abilities/Aptitude Test Scores Career Goals Grades Affordability
College Search/Career Search: What are you looking for? Academics: major, minor Type of school? 4YR, 2YR,COED, Technical Location/Area: Mid-Atlantic, Far west, etc. Public or Private? Athletics/Activities Size: 1-3,000, 3-6,000, 6-10,000 or 10,000+ Type of campus- large city, small town, etc. Special Programs? Study Abroad, accelerated, honors, internships Facilities
College/Career Search Naviance Program –Search occupations, college majors, schools and training institutions, scholarships and military options. –Explore personal interests & career options Internet Naviance College websites On-Campus College Visits Open houses Schedule a visit College Visits to Palisades Over 40 colleges will visit Palisades High School during the fall of your senior year
What kind of students do colleges want? Strength of program, high school course selection High school performance Scores on standardized tests Demonstrated excellence in extracurricular activities Essay Recommendations Personal accomplishments and attributes Interview (If required)
TO DO LIST Develop a working list of schools, then narrow your list. Your goal in September is to develop a final list, usually 4-6 schools, any one in which you would be happy attending. Keep in mind there is no such thing as a guarantee since acceptance rates can vary year to year. Reaches, targets, and safeties Work on the senior brag sheet in Naviancesenior brag Continue to develop/refine college essay, if required Begin to consider teachers who you may want to write a recommendation for you. Plan to attend open houses, visit colleges
Methods of Applying to College Common Application serves more than 500 institutions –To have transcripts sent electronically, student must submit application electronically Apply online - college internet site Paper application- this is the least common method –Be careful of “snap apps”, VIP apps
How to submit applications: Student completes application with any fees Student must complete Permission - Transcript Release prior to requesting transcripts. Student must request transcripts through their Naviance account AFTER completing their online applications. NO TRANSCRIPTS WILL BE SENT UNLESS COMPLETED APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN SENT TO DESIRED COLLEGES. Naviance can be accessed via Palisades High School, click on Guidance, then click on “Naviance Student User” NCAA Eligibility Center: students planning to participate in college athletics need to file an NCAA Eligibility form online.
Letters of Recommendation Not required by all schools, however, all common application schools require at least one, most require two.common application Teacher- student gives the teacher any recommendation forms provided with a formal letter requesting a letter along with a stamped envelope addressed to the college, if letter is to be mailed Counselor:-Complete Senior Brag Sheet and review/revise your resume on Naviance Account. Recommendations are only written for those schools requiring one. ALL REQUESTS MUST BE MADE AT LEAST 10 SCHOOLS DAYS BEFORE DEADLINE.
To Waive or Not to Waive Per Common App: Waiving your right lets colleges know that you will never try to read your recommendations. That in turn reassures colleges that your recommenders have provided support that is candid and truthful. While you are free to respond as you wish, if you choose not to waive your right, some recommenders may decline your request, and some colleges may disregard recommendations submitted on your behalf.
Things to do-Fall Attend open houses and visitations Take the appropriate admissions test (SAT I, SAT II, and/or ACT). For seniors, the last test date accepted is usually the October administration. Meet with your counselor for senior interview. Be aware of early decision/early action deadlines. Send requests to teachers for letters of recommendation, include an addressed, stamped envelope Complete your applications by Thanksgiving
Things to do- Winter/Spring Financial Aid CSS Profile- (If required) can complete after October This is through FAFSA- can complete after Jan. 1 st student aid (Grants/loans). Scholarships – Fastweb, other links through our website website
Transcript Request Electronic through Naviance Mail Must have a release on file
Login Screen
Important Dates SAT –10/11, deadline 9/12 – LATE deadline 9/30 –11/8, deadline 10/9 ACT –10/25, deadline 9/19 –12/13, deadline 11/7 Individual counselor meetings will start after 9/17 Financial Aid Night 1/13 – Quakertown HS
Tips for parents 1.Help your student understand the college search process – remember it is their application, not the parents 2.Be realistic and non-judgmental 3.Be in the "back seat" - and not the driver - of the college search process 4.Be open to dialogue and responsive to questions 5.Be supportive of deadlines and fees due 6.Know that things have changed since your college days 7.Don’t overemphasize your own alma maters 8.Don’t compare your student with others 9.Don’t dwell on disappointments, like a rejection letter 10.Celebrate successes!