Lord of the Flies Symbolism Notes
The Conch Shell Civilization & order; political legitimacy and the power of a democracy. Jack’s lack of interest in the conch signifies his disregard for civilization. Later, the breaking of the conch signifies the demise of civilization in the novel and the adult world as a whole (microcosm vs. macrocosm. Conch fades in color –fading in POWER (78). Conch makes the point, not Ralph (78-79). Ralph looks to the conch for intelligence (79). Respect for the conch, but not when it involves Piggy! (83). Ralph fears losing power even if he calls with the conch (92).
The Island Represents the world The island and the “society” the boys try to develop there is a microcosm that is meant to mirror the world during WWII.
The Scar Symbolizes man’s destruction and the destructive forces of mankind involving nature.
Piggy’s Glasses Represent the power of science and intellect in society The shattered lens indicates a breakdown of clear-thinking. Piggy gains confidence when he takes off his glasses. He becomes more like everyone else (83-84). “‘Or break my specs’” (94). –without specs, Piggy cannot see, and the boys have no fire.
The Signal Fire A barometer of the boy’s link to civilization Symbolizes their desire to be rescued and returned to the adult world Also symbolizes safety and security later in the novel Later, when the fire goes out, it indicates the extent to which the boys are accepting their savage natures and forgetting about their desire for rescue.
The Beast Symbolizes the boys’ biggest fears –Those fears can be physical or mental (emotional). The fear that separates man from God The dark side of human nature –the evil that lurks within us all The more savage the boys become, the more real the beast seems to be. “I’m calling a meeting, even if we have to go into the dark” (75). “You littluns started all this, with the fear talk. Beasts!” (82!!!). Page 89 –The Beast is each other???
The Lord of the Flies Beelzebub (or the Devil) Physical manifestation of the beast or the evil powers
The Lagoon Innocence and play The lagoon symbolizes the safety and innocence of the young boys
The Lights from the Air Battle Serves as a reminder of what is going on beyond the island Represents the war –both on & off the island The adult world the boys long for is no better than the world created on the island.