SAE AERO DESIGN 2004 HEAVY-LIFT CARGO PLANE Stephen McNulty Richard-Marc Hernandez Jessica Pisano Yoosuk Kee Chi Yan Project Advisor: Siva Thangam Control Surfaces Ribs
16.1 Fixed Wing Aircraft Type Requirements and Restrictions Only fixed-wing designs are allowed to compete. Dirigibles, lighter-than-air craft, gyrocopters or helicopters are not allowed to compete, but are welcome to demonstrate their capability's hors-concurs. ©2003 SAE International Aero Design East & West Rules 20. REGULAR CLASS - WINGSPAN LIMITATIONS The minimum wing span may not be smaller than 305 cm (120 inches). The wing span is defined as the maximum overall width of the aircraft. Aircraft with a maximum overall width less than 305 cm (120 inches) shall be disqualified from the event Not Meeting the Minimum wingspan Aircraft not meeting the minimum wingspan limitation will be disqualified from the contest. If schedule permits, at the discretion of the contest director, the team may perform demonstration flights during the contest Payload Payload and Payload Support The payload must consist of a support assembly and plates. 21. CARGO BAY/MINIMUM CARGO VOLUME Regular Class aircraft shall be capable of carrying and fully enclosing a rectangular block measuring 6 inches by 5 inches by 4 inches. During technical inspection, compliance with this rule shall be tested by inserting a block with these dimensions into the aircraft. This block must be easily inserted and removed without application of excess force during insertion or extraction, and the aircraft must be structurally airworthy with the block installed. When the aircraft is ready to fly, the bay must be fully enclosed. The cargo bay must be shown clearly in the design plans, with dimensions included. Note: The block does not guarantee enough area for your required weight Undersized Cargo Bay – Penalty Planes that are unable to fit the 6 inches by 5 inches by 4 inches block into their cargo bay will not be eligible to fly. 22. REQUIRED ENGINE Regular Class aircraft must be powered by a single, unmodified O.S..61FX with E-4010 Muffler. No muffler extensions or headers that fit between the engine cylinder and the muffler may be used. Muffler baffles must be installed, and must be unmodified from the factory installed configuration. No fuel pumps are allowed. While the engine may not be modified from its stock configuration, two specific components may be installed on the engine for convenience and/or safety purposes: · Remote needle valves, including needle valves that may be adjusted in flight are allowed. · Tubes that redirect the exhaust flow may be affixed to the exhaust pipe. Note: engine tear-down and inspection may be performed by the competition officials at any time during the competition. Wing Stress Analysis Design Specifications: This Year (2004) Previous Year (2003) Wing Span Minimum 10 ft Maximum 6 ft Wing Chord No restriction Maximum 1 ft Cargo Volume Minimum 120 in 3 Minimum 300 in 3 Maximum Takeoff Distance 200 ft Maximum Landing Distance 400 ft Engine.61 FX-OS.61 FX-OS or K&B.61 R/C ABC Battery Minimum 500 mAh Landing Gear Rules Fuselage Competition Spec. Comparison Landing Gear Stress Analysis