OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 PUCK protocol update Tom O’Reilly 1/27/2011
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/ PUCK provides protocol and “container” to store instrument- related information (“payload”) with the instrument itself PUCK-enabled instrument RS-232 PUCK payload Observing system retrieves and utilizes information through instrument’s serial interface PUCK payload “Plug-and-Work” PUCK protocol What is PUCK?
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 PUCK protocol Simple protocol to retrieve instrument-related info from instrument itself Manufacturers can easily implement protocol in firmware (no external cables/connectors) Augments – does not replace – existing instrument protocols Does not restrict payload format/content Defined for RS-232 and Ethernet instruments
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 Sensor web protocol stack PUCK provides support for higher-level standards (IEEE-1451, SWE…) Non-standard commercial protocols PUCK protocol Instrument driver/agent IEEE server Sensor Web Enablement services Instrument host computer Instrument Internet SensorML TEDS Retrieved from instrument via PUCK protocol
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 Smart Ocean Sensors Consortium Manufacturers and users dedicated to improving reliability, utility and cost- effectiveness of hydrographic sensor networks through the adoption, development, and promotion of appropriate standard interfaces and protocols. Includes Seabird, Teledyne, WETLabs, YSI, WETLabs, Nortek, RBR Ltd... Standards being considered include IEEE 1451, Sensor Web Enablement, MBARI PUCK Members support PUCK evaluation as an OGC standard
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 PUCK and Ocean Observatories MBARI – used on MOOS and MARS OOI ESONET
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 PUCK and ESONET Consortium of European ocean observatories Interoperable instruments and data are key goals – Sensor web and interoperability group – Evaluating IEEE 1451, OGC SWE, PUCK Workshops, interoperability demonstrations – PUCK demo at 2010 Best Practices workshop PESOS manufacturers group recommends PUCK as ESONET standard (Jan 2011)
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 PUCK as an OGC standard Open Geospatial Consortium: international body of 400+ companies, government agencies, universities, dedicated to open, consensus-based interoperability standards PUCK proposed as component of Sensor Web Enablement standard suite PUCK Standard Working Group established January 2010 Note: Use of PUCK does not require use of other OGC standards
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 OGC and Smart Ocean Sensors Consortium Smart Ocean Sensors Consortium (SOSC) - Manufacturers and users dedicated to utility, reliability and cost-effectiveness of sensor networks SOSC and OGC have signed Memorandum of Understanding to support PUCK standardization
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 OGC Ocean Science Interoperability Experiment Evaluate, refine SWE standards. Determine engineering “best practices” and recommend possible improvements to OGC standards. Managed by Luis Bermudez (SURA) Technical report published on November 19, 2009
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 OSIE PUCK project Demonstrations and test-beds – IEEE SWE + PUCK – Auto-detect of PUCK-enabled instrument – Integration of PUCK with commercial Axys mooring – Lessons learned
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 OGC PUCK Standard Working Group Members from MBARI, OOI, ESONET, industry Refining protocol, moving it through standardization process – Submit to OGC for adoption vote in 2011 Now drafting PUCK v1.4 Key new feature – extend protocol to “Ethernet instruments”
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 IP PUCK PUCK v1.4 extends PUCK protocol to Ethernet instruments Mandates Zeroconf standard – Consistent with plug-and-work – Auto IP address, name assignment – Service discovery protocol PUCK commands via TCP on “PUCK port” – Port number advertised via Zeroconf
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 IP PUCK implementation Implemented by Dan Toma, Polytechnic University of Catalunya Luminary DK-LM3S9B96 development kit ARM Cortex™-M3 controller core – MHz – 256 kB flash, 96 kB SRAM and ROM Platform for IFREMER Smart Sensor
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 PUCK and SensorML-SID SensorML describes instrument characteristics, capabilities, processes Sensor Interface Descriptor (SID) – describes instrument native protocol in a standard way – Proposed “bridge” between SWE web applications and existing COTS instruments Any instrument described by SID can be operated by generic “SID interpreter” Collaborated with 52North.org and SARTI to demonstrate SID retrieval from PUCK
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 Arne Broering - Driver-free plug-and-work
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 SID work Collaborating with Arne Broering (52North.org), SARTI, HOBILabs, RBR Ltd Prototype SID creator – simplifies writing of SIDs – Instrument manufacturers could use this tool Wrote SIDs fro several oceanographic instruments
OOI CI S&A workshop 1/27/2011 IP PUCK + SID demo Automatic installation and operation of sensors in an IP network