/1 Sentinel Programme Site Access Consultation
/2 Introduction Sentinel – what has been achieved Launched in NR July 2013 Launched to all NR suppliers September 2013 Mandated 6 th January 2014 ICI launched 11 th May 2013 Lone Worker Launched 18 th August 2013 With your support we have made a successful transition from a dumb card system to an industry leading real time competence based authority to work system
/3 Sentinel Purpose The purpose of Sentinel is to enhance safety by knowing who is working on the infrastructure, that they are competent, medically fit and have the authority to do so. Everything that Sentinel proposes to deliver now and in the future is tied to this purpose. The Sentinel Programme plans to enhance system functionality to increase safety when at work, playing its critical role in getting everyone home safe every day.
/44 Swipe In to Authenticate – When do I need my card checked? The Sentinel card must be authenticated once a shift; AND each time you work with a different COSS; AND upon request following an event/incident or investigation.
/5 Sentinel Programme Scope of this consultation
/6 Engagement & Consultation Sentinel is committed to being fully engaged with the Trade Unions. This consultation has a limited scope (see next slide) but we as always welcome queries and concerns on any part of the system outside of this consultation meeting. In addition to consultation meetings, we will continue to engage, inform and involve Trade Union Representatives along the Sentinel journey of development.
/7 Site Access – Phase 1 deliverables ► Enhance the current swipe on functionality asking the user to define their location of work including travel and booked shift information (basic fatigue information) ► Introduce swipe off functionality asking the user to confirm their travel time to a place of rest (basic fatigue information) and optionally record use of competence (events) ► Introduce electronic acknowledgement of site inductions (events) ► Introduce electronic acknowledgement of safety brief (events)
/8 Enhanced Swipe In Current: card checker gathers their team together Current: card checker presents their own card, confirms sponsor, and selects ‘swipe in’ New: Identifies their location from site types available – checks the box of ‘swipe self in’ New (in Sentinel): Answers below questions: Planned work hours Time left place of rest Planned time to place of rest New: Card checker selects confirm, New: Card checker selects main menu, Current: Each member of the team presents their card to the Card checker who swipes it, confirms sponsor New: Card checker identifies their location from site types available Current: Accepts or denies their authority to work
/9 Enhanced Swipe In Card checker
/10 Enhanced Swipe In Card checker
/11 Enhanced Swipe In Card checkerCard holder
/12 Enhanced Swipe In Card holder
/13 Introduce Swipe Out – NEW ► At the end of the shift the card checker is required to swipe out the team and themselves ► Swipe own card to initiate app ► Select swipe out ► Select location type being swiped out of i.e. depot ► Select location i.e. name of depot ► Confirm if COSS/SWL wishes to swipe selves out – tick box ► Last swipe of the day? – yes/no ► Present card of team member to swipe out ► Confirm if last swipe of the day, record competence usage & add confirmation of travel time to place of rest,
/14 Introduce Swipe Out Card checker
/15 Introduce Swipe Out Card checker
/16 Introduce Swipe Out Card checkerCard holder
/17 Introduce Swipe Out Card holder
/18 Introduce Swipe Out Card checker
/19 Introduce electronic acknowledgement of site induction – NEW Site Access Controller
/20 Introduce electronic acknowledgement of site induction – NEW Site Access Controller
/21 Introduce electronic acknowledgement of site induction – NEW Site Access Controller
/22 Introduce electronic acknowledgement of site induction – NEW Site Access Controller
/23 Introduce Electronic acknowledgement of safety brief – NEW The following functionality is new in Sentinel and replaces the wet signature. ► Current: Card checker delivers safety brief ► New: Card checker swipes own card ► New: Card checker selects ‘acknowledge safety brief’ ► New: Card checker enters reference number ► New: Each member of the team then presents their card to the Card checker who swipes it to electronically acknowledge safety brief. ► N.B If during the course of the shift the team moves to another location then there will be the delivery of another safety brief, the card checker will ask each of their team to acknowledge this new safety brief as per the above process. It is not a requirement to ‘swipe out’ of a safety brief.
/24 Questions