Tips, Tricks and Tools for Writing C.A.S.E. Assistive Technology Team Paula Costello MS, OTRL Tricia Sharkey MA CCC-SLP/L Mary May, Orthopedically Impaired Itinerant Teacher Barb Layer, Orthopedically Impaired Itinerant Teacher
Writing Instruction Components I. Writing Process II. Transcription Skills III. Language Structures
I. Writing Process Writing Process: ◦ Brainstorming/Planning/Organization ◦ Editing and Proofreading ◦ Drafting
6 + 1 Traits Stages of Writing Process6 +1 Traits PLANNINGIdeas Organization DRAFTINGWord Choice Voice Sentence Fluency REVISE/EDITConventions Presentation
Brainstorming, Planning and Organization Generating Ideas: ◦ What do I have to say? Setting goals: ◦ Who am I writing to and what do I want to communicate to them? Organizing: ◦ In what form will I express my ideas? ◦ What will I include and what will I leave out?
Supports/Tools Assistive Technology supports and tools should be thought of on a continuum ranging from low to high technologic supports.
Writing Process Task: Brainstorming/Planning/Organizing Low Tech - Paper Graphic Organizers - Dry erase boards - Checklists - Models - Headings - Post It notes Mid Tech High Tech Computer software with word processing capabilities Word features outline or notebook view; Audio notes toolbar Software Inspiration Draft Builder Kurzweil Web Tools
Drafting Generating the language: ◦ How do I translate my ideas into words? ◦ How do I select good words? ◦ How do I connect ideas within and between my sentences? Transcription: ◦ What spelling and punctuation marks do I need to include?
Writing Process Task: Drafting Low Tech - Outlines - Sentence Starters - Model assignments - Use of checklist in writing process - Photographs to support writing - Word banks - List of transition words and phrases Mid Tech High Tech - Interactive Writing Software Examples: - Classroom Suite - Kurzweil - Read/Write Gold - SOLO Co-Writer, Write OutLoud, Read OutlLoud Draft Builder - Clicker 5 - Clozepro - Word Q
Revision and Editing Read and Review: ◦ Is the message complete, logical and clear? Revise and edit: ◦ Did I engage my audience? ◦ Did I use conventional grammar and spelling? ◦ What should I delete, add or change?
Writing Process Task: Revision/Editing Low Tech - Word Walls - Portable file folder word walls - Cards/Books - Dictionary - Thesaurus Mid Tech - Hand Held Dictionary/spell checker - Electronic Dictionary - Electronic Thesaurus High Tech - Computer Software to support word processing (spell checker, thesaurus) - Screen/Text Reader - Talking Word Processor - Interactive Writing Software
II. Transcription Skills Transcription: ◦ Spelling ◦ Handwriting/Keyboarding ◦ Capitalization/Punctuation
LOW TECH MID TECH HIGH TECH LOW TECH MID TECH HIGH TECH Transcription Skill Task: Spelling Dictionary Word wall/banks/lists Hand held audio spell checker Spell checker in Word Processor Built –in-features of Word Processor Stand alone spell checker with speech and auto correct CoWriter Picture Support Software PixWriter Clicker5 WebBased software such as Ginger
LOW TECH MID TECH HIGH TECH Transcription Skill Task: Keyboarding Handwriting programs: e.g.. HWT Keyboarding vs. Handwriting- Writing Productivity Profile (Website) Keyboarding Programs -Type to Learn -Custom Typing -Dance Mat Typing Key guard Keyboard Stickers Portable Word Processors Software Strategies and Accessibility options: -color background -Font size -Sticky Keys -Abbreviation Expansion Alternative mouse/keyboard -Trackball -BigKeys -Intellikeys Onscreen Keyboard Touch Screen/Window Switch Control Voice Recognition Alternative Writing Software - Pix Writer -Clicker 5
LOW TECH MID TECH HIGH TECH LOW TECH MID TECH HIGH TECH Transcription Skill Task: Handwriting Pencil grips Specialized pens/pencils Raised lined paper Grid paper Slanted surfaces Magnetic letters Rubber stamps Labels Post-it-notes Stencils to trace letters Highlighted lines/letters Handwriting program Tape recorders Digital recorders Dedicated word processor Alternative keyboard Word processing Word prediction software On-screen word banks On-screen math/computer calculators Speech recognition software On-screen keyboard Touch screen monitor Alternative methods to access keyboard
LOW TECH MID TECH HIGH TECH LOW TECH MID TECH HIGH TECH Transcription Skill Task: Capitalization/Punctuation Talking word processor -Write Outloud -Draft Builder -Intellitalk Proofreading option in word processor-Writer’s workshop -Partner editing
Remember…. Use of the TOOL is part of the IEP plan, it is NOT the goal…… Rather The use of the tool to successfully complete the task is the goal.
IEP goals for writing skills using Assistive Technology Must be linked to academic goals focused on written expression. Be task specific Implement interventions and use sequentially, break goal down into smaller steps for use of the new technology Make progress measurable-how will I determine if the device or strategy has been successful? Data collection is important!! Take a look at the Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative website (
Resources: The following slides provide screen shots of popular software and websites that are available to educators for tools to support struggling writers.
Web 2.0 Writing Resources: (graphic organizers) (graphic organizers) (D.97 AT Specialist created this google doc to compile all resources from workshop-EXCELLENT RESOURCE!!!!)
Materials for this presentation adapted from information obtained at the Infinitec Writing Linked Series Workshops ( )