WQ-WET STORET Water Quality Data Web Entry Tool James M. Porter / Hafiz M. Munir / Louise E. Hotka / Jennifer Oknich, MPCA Akira Matoba, URS Corporation Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
WQ-WET: Need For Flexibility The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) consolidates lake and stream data from dozens of local projects into a single statewide STORET database using SIM software. Projects receiving certain funding must submit data in a STORET-ready format. Past attempts to standardize across sources have not been successful.
WQ-WET: Need For Flexibility Barriers to standardization: SIM result-row format. Projects overwhelmingly prefer sample-row format spreadsheets. STORET allowable values Periodic updates to allowable values and STORET / SIM features create moving targets.
WQ-WET: Need For Flexibility MPCA’s solution is WQ-WET. Uploads a formatted spreadsheet and facilitates transformation to a SIM import file Upload, not entry as the name implies. WQ-WUT? Web-based application allows centralized updates to allowable values, fields, and features Places more responsibility for STORET-readiness on the data provider
WQ-WET: Process Overview The user looks up allowable STORET values or requests new values while preparing result files. Upon upload, WQ-WET validates the file and facilitates aliasing of unrecognized field names and result values. This iterative process may require multiple uploads. When the user has correctly configured the result file and aliases, WQ-WET loads the data and can export a SIM-ready file.
WQ-WET: Process Overview
WQ-WET: File Preparation Download template from WQ- WET and format data accordingly Format is flexible, to a point
WQ-WET: File Preparation Look up allowable fields and values Provide these wherever possible in upload file Aliasing step will allow translation of unclear field names and values
WQ-WET: File Preparation Example: Station search Search by name, description, or coordinates Coordinate search returns lists of stations by proximity Map links to MapQuest and TopoZone
WQ-WET: File Preparation Example: Analytical procedure search results for “mass”
WQ-WET: File Preparation When the spreadsheet is ready, the user logs into WQ-WET and accesses the relevant project.
WQ-WET: Process Overview
WQ-WET: Field Checker Upload spreadsheet to WQ-WET Field Checker Attempts to identify provided field names Checks for presence of required fields Returns errors and their locations in the upload file
WQ-WET: Field Checker Translates field names which match pre-set or previously assigned aliases Invites user to set up an alias for each unrecognized field Aliases may be deleted and reassigned
WQ-WET: Field Checker Example: Set up alias for imported field “Comment”
WQ-WET: Field Checker When aliasing is complete, reload the file Make additional file changes or set up aliases as necessary Repeat until successful WQ-WET will export a new file with correct field names
WQ-WET: Process Overview
WQ-WET: Validator Upload Field Checked file to WQ-WET Validator Checks validity of values for each field Checks for activity duplication within file and versus previously loaded results Returns errors and their locations in the Field Checked file
WQ-WET: Validator Stations Translates station IDs which match pre-set or previously assigned aliases Invites user to set up an alias for each unrecognized station Search and mapping tools are available when aliasing Aliases may be deleted and reassigned
WQ-WET: Validator Metadata/Result Values Translates other values which match pre-set or previously assigned aliases Invites user to set up an alias for each unrecognized value Allowable-value search tools are available when aliasing Aliases may be deleted and reassigned
WQ-WET: Validator When aliasing is complete, reload the Field Checked file Make additional file changes or set up aliases as necessary Repeat until successful WQ-WET will load the results into its internal database (not STORET)
WQ-WET: Process Overview
WQ-WET: Extract Success! WQ-WET exports a SIM-ready file.
WQ-WET: More Information Established values, aliases, and results remain until the next import unless deleted by the user. User accounts are password-protected and restricted to assigned projects only. Multiple users may access one project if desired. WQ-WET does not directly access STORET for security reasons. The allowable value tables are rewritten nightly in a separate database. MPCA staff will establish new values and load SIM import files independently from WQ-WET. WQ-WET uses ColdFusion MX™, Java™, and MySQL™. TopoZone is a trademark of Maps a la carte, Inc. MapQuest is a trademark of MapQuest.com, Inc. ColdFusion MX is a trademark of Macromedia, Inc. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. MySQL is a trademark of MySQL AB.
WQ-WET: Status URS developed the prototype for a now-completed contract. MPCA manages development now. Basically ready for internal agency use. The application will save substantial staff time even in its current, somewhat unrefined form. Output is currently STORET 1.x compatible and needs to be brought up to STORET 2.x standards. MPCA web developers want it to meet agency web standards before releasing to local projects. MPCA data managers want it to be user-friendly so we do not overwhelm, discourage, and lose data providers.
WQ-WET STORET Water Quality Data Web Entry Tool James M. Porter / Hafiz M. Munir / Louise E. Hotka / Jennifer Oknich, MPCA Akira Matoba, URS Corporation Minnesota Pollution Control Agency