VERTIC/REC Workshop Fulfilling the monitoring and reporting requirements under the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol QA/QC Procedures in National GHG Inventory.


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Presentation transcript:

VERTIC/REC Workshop Fulfilling the monitoring and reporting requirements under the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol QA/QC Procedures in National GHG Inventory Process - Macedonian Case - Natasa Markovska, ICEIM-MANU, National GHG Inventory Expert Teodora Obradovic Grncarovska, MOEPP, National UNFCCC Focal Point Budapest, Hungary, October 9-10, 2006

Content 1.Introduction 2.Structure of the National GHG Inventory Team 3.Description of the GHG Inventory Process Integrating QA/QC Procedures 4.Advanced Approach: ACCESS Database

1. Introduction The GHG Inventory in Macedonia Prepared for the first time as a part of the First National Communication on Climate Change, The three main GHGs included; time series IPCC methodology used, Key sectors: Energy, Industrial Processes, Agriculture, Land- use Change and Forestry, and Waste. Substantial national peer-review Technical feedback, provided by NCSU Mechanisms to ensure control of the quality – missing!

The GHG Inventory under the Second National Communication Time series , (according to the guidelines for the preparation of National Communications (17/CP.8)) Inclusion of information on the other non-direct GHGs: HFCs, PFCs and SF6 as well as CO, NOx, SOx and NMVOCs. Revision of the input data, taking into consideration data gaps and areas needing improvement identified in the stocktaking exercise Identifying and developing methods for overcoming data gaps Application of higher Tiers (more sophisticated methods) for emissions calculation wherever possible Inclusion of the sector Solvent and other product use into the national inventory whenever possible (for the years when the relevant activity data are available) Recalculation the time series for the period Developing a full documentation of activity data and emission factors for the year 2000 Implementation of good practice elements to maximal possible extend

2. Structure of the National GHG Inventory Team Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP), Supervising the national inventory process, International reporting the emissions.

National Institution (NI), Act as a National Inventory Team Leader (NITL) Maintain the whole GHG inventory, Incorporate good practice elements such as key sources analyses, uncertainty management, QA/QC procedures, documenting and archiving Report the emissions to MoEPP Coordinate and supervise the Sectoral Experts

Sectoral Experts (two experts for each sector): Enterer, responsible for identification/verification of data sources, entering and documenting the input data, and Checker, responsible for checking and validating the input data and emission estimates.

Structure of the national GHG inventory team

3. GHG Inventory Process Integrating QA/QC Procedures 1.Identification of Data Sources 2.Entering the Activity Data and Emission Factors 3.Calculating the Emissions 4.Checking and Validation of Input Data

5.Recalculation and Validation of Emissions Estimates 6. Key Sources Analysis 7. Uncertainty Management 8. National Expert and Public Review 9. International Peer-review 10. Reporting the Emissions

1. Identification of Data Sources Input: National Inventory Reports (NIRs) from previous year; IPCC workbook and reference manual; National and international relevant studies Responsible: Data-enterer Deliverable: List of data sources; the publications identified as data sources

2. Entering the Activity Data and Emission Factors Input: Empty IPCC Excel spreadsheets; Template of Documenting Table Responsible: Data-enterer Deliverables: Filled in IPCC Excel Database; Filled in Documenting Tables for the all Activity Data and Emission Factors (word document)

Data entererName of the person who enters the data DateWhen the data is entered? TypeAD or EF or CF Unit Value Reference Where the data is taken from? Title of publication, page number; Expert estimation. Who did the estimation (provide contact details!)? Based on what? Uncertainty (%)Assessed level of data uncertainty Comment Additional information and proposals for improving the data` Template of Documenting Table

3. Calculating the Emissions Input: Filled in IPCC Excel Database; Responsible: Data-enterer Deliverables: Sectoral NIR

4. Checking and Validation of Input Data Input: Filled in IPCC Excel Database; Filled in Documenting Tables for the all Activity Data and Emission Factors (word document); Template of Checking Table; Responsible: Data-checker Deliverables: Filled in Checking Tables for the all Activity Data and Emission Factors (word document); Revised IPCC Excel Database

Data checker Name of the person who checks the data Date When the data is checked? CommentDetected errors; Proposal for corrective action Validation field  - if some error is detected  - if all AD/EF characteristics are OK Template of Checking Table Possible errors: Transcription error Inadequate unit Missing or incomplete reference Over or underestimated uncertainty level

5. Recalculation and Validation of Emissions Estimates Input: Sectoral NIR; Filled in Checking Tables for the all Activity Data and Emission Factors; Revised IPCC Excel Database Responsible: Data-enterer and Data-checker Deliverables: Revised Sectoral NIR, Validation Report

6. Key Sources Analysis Input: NIR; Filled IPCC Excel Database Responsible: NITL Deliverables: Key Sources Analysis (word document, integrated in NIR) The results will be presented and discussed at expert level and public workshops as a part of the Quality Assurance activities

7. Uncertainty Management Input: NIR; Filled IPCC Excel Database Responsible: NITL, Sectoral experts Deliverables: Uncertainty calculations (word document, integrated in NIR) The results will be presented and discussed at expert level and public workshops as a part of the Quality Assurance activities

8. National expert and public review Input: GHG inventory materials (database +NIR) Responsible: Experts selected by MoEPP; general public Deliverables: Comments and proposals for improvement of GHG inventory materials

9. International peer-review Input: GHG inventory materials (database +NIR) Responsible: International Experts, selected by NCSU, UNDP or other international institution Deliverables: Comments and proposals for improvement of GHG inventory materials

10. Reporting the emissions Input: GHG Excel database Responsible: NITL Deliverables: Filled in Common Reporting Formats (CRF)

4. Advanced Approach: ACCESS Database developed under regional project “Capacity building for improving the national GHG inventory” Reliable data management and storage Precise emissions calculation Proper archiving and documentation Quality Assurance /Quality Control Adequate reporting Key sources analyses and uncertainty calculations.

I. Inventory Compilation I.1 Identification of Data Sources Double click on “GHG INVENTORY.mdb”. You will see the following dialog:

Example I.1.1 Sector: Energy; Action: Data Sources

Instruction: Most likely these sources will provide data for the current year. The enterer should contact the relevant institutions and assemble all relevant published documents containing activity data for the current year.

Example I.1.2 Sector: Energy; Action: No Reference

The resulting report lists all the data gaps in the corresponding sector in the previous years. Those are the data for which no reference is provided.

Instruction: The enterer should investigate national ongoing projects and contact other experts in order to obtain the official value or proper estimate. As to the emissions factors, he should investigate whether some country- specific emission factors are derived within the ongoing national studies. Otherwise, he should follow the suit of the previous years and use the most appropriate IPCC defaults.

I. 2. Entering the Activity Data and Emission Factors For each activity data and emissions factor data enterer should enter the following: Value in the specified unit Estimated level of the uncertainty Name of the person who enters the data Complete reference to the data source.

Example I.2.1 Sector: Energy; Sub sectors: Energy Industries By default, the form displays the first activity data and emissions factors. The browsing through all activity data and emission factors over the years is enabled by clicking on the navigation controls at the bottom of the dialog.

I.3. Calculating the Emissions To calculate the emissions from a given sub-sector, simply click the action “Emissions” in the corresponding dialog.

The resulting report displays the emissions from the specified sub-sector for all years.

I.4. Validation of Input Data Instruction 1: This action is performed for each sector by designated sectoral expert - data checker. The data checker should check the value, unit, reference and uncertainty level entered by the data enterer, and if all is found ok, he should enter his/her name and check the validation field. Otherwise, he should report the error and propose corrective action in the filed “Comment”

By using “No Check “ action, all input data which are not validated are listed. Instruction 2: The two sectoral experts (enterer and checker) go together over these data and undertake corrective actions which were proposed by the checker. If the corrective action is successfully performed, they check the relevant validation field.

I.5. Validation of Emissions Estimates Instruction: The two sectoral experts (enterer and checker) together check the calculated emissions and perform reentering of input data and recalculation if the estimates do not meet their expectations.