Ere’s Stuff Ere Maijala IT Research Specialist The National Library of Finland
Put a nice heading here EL Commons WebVoáge Enhancement Script OAI-PMH Subfield checker Non-filing indicator checker Statistics Aleph Union Catalog -> Local Voyagers replication Coming Next Wish List
WebVoyáge Enhancement Script Manipulates the HTML WebVoyáge returns No need for JavaScript etc. HTML changes Additional data New functionality, e.g. –Advanced record saving and exporting (MARCXML -> XSLT) –Set all external links to open in a new window –Highly configurable OpenURL support
Pwebrecon2 – What’s Missing Can’t do anything if the HTML doesn’t contain enough information –Additional info in patron info display Can’t change data in database –Integration with e-payment systems Can’t do things with stuff that’s not visible –Sort search results
OAI-PMH Complete support for OAI-PMH 2.0 Flexible set definitions Handling of deletions Bibliographic and authority records Access Control via IP address list Written in Perl Can access keyword server directly Filter function in Perl to create custom rules for filtering records No perceivable impact on the server Keep-alive for slow fetches
Subfield Checker Checks for invalid MARC subfields Perl Direct database access Reads all the records sequentially Still not too slow
Non-filing Indicator Checker Checks for suspicious non-filing indicator values Perl Direct database access Reads all the records sequentially Still not too slow
Statistics Script that collects stats XML format Uploaded to central database Deleted stuff a challenge
Aleph -> Voyagers Perl daemon running on Voyager server/database Polls Aleph for changes (VST Server) Gets records via SRU Gets additional info via X-Server Filters records Mangles 001 Imports to Voyager using bulk import Bib records only Would benefit from an API allowing add/change/delete of bib records
Coming Next No Voyager 7.x until 2010 Holdings from Voyager to Aleph UC OPAC –In Voyager cgi script providing holdings and status info in XML –In Aleph cgi script XML -> JSON JavaScript that integrates it in the OPAC
Wish List More data manipulation services –Cataloging –Patrons ILS-DI SIP 2 extensions NCIP for everyone Improved documentation –Not just how, but what and why –Sample code