Best Practice Guide to Managing Inventories and Order Processes for Flexi Cease 28 January 2014
Legal Statement Slide 2 It should be noted that the proposals for the products outlined in this slide-pack represent Openreach’s current view at the time of publication. These proposals may change through further development and feedback. The purpose of this slide-pack is to provide additional information to support Communications Provider (CP) development initiatives. It does not represent a finalised definition/specification of the products. Openreach has no liability with respect to developments undertaken based on the contents of this publication The contents of this pack cannot be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Openreach © British Telecommunications plc 2014 It should be noted that the proposals for the products outlined in this slide-pack represent Openreach’s current view at the time of publication. These proposals may change through further development and feedback. The purpose of this slide-pack is to provide additional information to support Communications Provider (CP) development initiatives. It does not represent a finalised definition/specification of the products. Openreach has no liability with respect to developments undertaken based on the contents of this publication The contents of this pack cannot be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Openreach © British Telecommunications plc 2014
Document History Slide 3 RevisionAuthorDateNotes Issue 1.4Openreach28 January 2014Updated following Draft publication to industry on 9 April 2014 and CP feedback
Contents Slide 4 Introduction What is Flexi Cease Information:-Terminology of LIJs their Locations/Warnings and R2400 “DUMMY” Functionality Best Practice for MPF Best Practice for SMPF Best Practice for Inventory Management Current Order Journey Examples Useful References / Resources Acronym Guide
Introduction Slide 5 This best practice guide, provides Communications Providers (CPs) key information, on how to efficiently manage Left In Jumpers (LIJs) and understand the LIJ warnings, to help reduce avoidable charges during the ordering journey and reduce early life failures by needless network intervention. This guide also touches on the R2400 “Dummy” functionality, which gives CPs the maximum opportunity to reduce potential LIJ charges (current pricing can be found on the Openreach portal under LLU pricing) The guide is aimed at CPs business analysts, IT designers, product and process specialists. When followed, this guide should help to reduce the avoidable LIJ charging. This presentation aims to both raise awareness and give guidance on best practice around inventory management and order processes for Flexi Cease, when allocating tie pairs for their end user orders. The scope of this document provides coverage of the provision process and includes best practice for the Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) Metallic Path Facility (MPF) and Shared Metallic Path Facility (SMPF) Product(s) and is correct as of EMP R2400.
What is Flexi Cease Slide 6 Flexi Cease is a term applied to the Local Loop Unbundled (LLU) products (MPF) and (SMPF). Although the services are ceased there is no actual removal of Main Distribution Frame (MDF) jumpering, the line at this stage is in a status of ‘STOPPED’ and the tie pairs are in the state of Left in Jumpers (LIJs) A CP could submit a jumper removal order, after the cease is complete which would remove the MDF jumpers completely, the tie pairs would no longer be LIJ.
What is Flexi Cease Slide 7 MPF Stopped Line (Showing Openreach Jumpers On MDF)
What is Flexi Cease Slide 8 SMPF+WLR Stopped Line (Showing Openreach Jumpers On MDF)
Information Terminology of LIJs and their locations Slide 9 Left In Jumper (LIJs): Means that, on completion of the cease request, the jumpers on the MDF will not be removed. The following terms will help you understand the terminologies associated with LIJs: Spare Tie Pair: Means a tie pair that is spare and does not have LIJs LIJs at Target : Means that the tie pairs associated with the address where the new service has been requested are in a LIJ state and owned by yourself. If this tie pair is not reused at its current location on an order response code 1884 will be sent. LIJs at Donor : Means that the tie pairs you supply for the provision address are currently in a LIJ state, routed to a different address. If this tie pair is used on an order to a different location to the current one response code 1885 will be sent. LIJs at Donor and Target : Means that the tie pairs you supply are in a LIJ state to a different address from the target address (LIJ at donor) and at the same time the tie pairs associated with the address where the new service has been requested are in a LIJ state (LIJ at target). If this tie pair is used on a order response code 1886 will be sent. Dummy (R2400): Used when you are uncertain of network against address routing if LIJs at target, Openreach will confirm in KCI 1.6 if target ties exist and belong to you. For more information on Flexi Cease please follow link
Information LIJ Response Code And Warnings Slide 10 These are the existing response codes that serve as a final warning to CPs that they may incur charges for removal of LIJ ties. Response code XML templates can be found within the XML specification documents on the Openreach Portal
Information R2400 “DUMMY” Functionality Slide 11 R2400 has delivered an enhanced ordering journey, that enables CPs to use “DUMMY” within the order XML, resulting in Openreach completing the exchange and LIJ validations at “Routing Completed” KCI 1.6 stage. When a CP provides tie pairs on an order, it makes sense to return LIJ warnings after the routing step has been performed.This functionality gives the CPs the opportunity to maximise their re-use of their LIJs and minimise their exposure to LIJ charges. On Release R2400 deployment (MPF/SMPF) MPF and SMPF KCIs will contain the exchange (MDFSiteId) tag New KCI 1.6 for Dummy tie pair orders New LineStatus of “Routing Completed” for KCI 1.6 Amend tie pairs on Dummy orders to be placed after KCI 1.6 New Response Code 517 for KCI 1.6 LIJ warning Response Codes (1884/1885/1886) move from KCI 1 to KCI 2
Best Practice Process for Avoiding LIJ Charges Slide 12 The swim-lane process on the following slides outlines the best practice process for managing all ordering scenarios with LIJs (without using R2400 functionality).
EMP Communications Provider Best Practice For MPF Slide 13 Runs eMLC (on access line ID) to identify Target LIJs If eMLC has returned Target LIJs, CP should use the same in the order. Failure to use returned LIJs will create charges If there are no target LIJs, then run Tie Pair Checker Dialogue Service against the tie pairs you intend to use in your order If Tie Pair Checker indicates Donor LIJs, then charges will be raised if these tie pairs are used in CP order If CP does not wish to incur LIJ charges please ensure you re-use Target LIJs or supply spare Donor LIJs Based on eMLC and Tie Pair Checker response, CP is now ready to place the order Return eMLC response with or without Target LIJs No Target jumper recovery charges applied Return Tie Pair Checker response indicating whether the ties in question are Donor LIJs or not N/A No Donor or Target jumper recovery charges applied KCI Messages relayed to CP in correct sequence. Subject to correct usage of tie pairs, LIJ recovery charges will not be applied N/A Openreach engineer will jumper the tie pairs (as indicated on the order by the CP) and completes the FRAMES activity Openreach FRAMES Runs Address Match & MLPAReturn NAD key & any stopped linesN/A
EMP Communications Provider Best Practice For SMPF To An Existing Service Slide 14 Runs eMLC (on telephone number) to identify Target LIJs If eMLC has returned Target LIJs, CP should use the same in the order. Failure to use returned LIJs will create charges If there are no Target LIJs, then run Tie Pair Checker Dialogue Service against the tie pairs you intend to use in your order If Tie Pair Checker indicates Donor LIJs, then charges will be raised if these tie pairs are used in CP order If CP does not wish to incur LIJ charges please ensure you re-use Target LIJs or supply spare Donor LIJs Based on eMLC and Tie Pair Checker response, CP is now ready to place the order Return eMLC response with or without Target LIJs No Target jumper recovery charges applied Return Tie Pair Checker response indicating whether the ties in question are Donor LIJs or not N/A No Donor or Target jumper recovery charges applied KCI Messages relayed to CP in correct sequence. Subject to correct usage of tie pairs, LIJ recovery charges will not be applied N/A Openreach engineer will jumper the tie pairs (as indicated on the order by the CP) and completes the FRAMES activity Openreach FRAMES
Best Practice Best Practice for Inventory Management Slide 15 Below is a set of recommendations for our CPs to effectively manage their own inventory. Recommendation Manage tie pair inventory by recording jumpers in use, spare, or left in by using KCI 3 messages from the orders associated with the jumpers. Use Tie Pair Reconciliation Report (TPRR) to obtain Tie Pair details that you own. This is available via the Openreach Portal. Tie Pair Checker Dialogue Services and eMLC are also at hand to obtain the tie pair status and also MLPA to look at stopped lines for potential re-use. Check if you have any quarantine periods in place for reuse of your LIJs, consider any removal benefit.
Best Practice Best Practice for Inventory Management Slide 16 Below is a cropped example of a TPRR (Tie Pair Reconciliation Report). Tie Pair Reconciliation Report is made up of the following headers: CP_ID: This is your Duns ID MPF_SITE_ID: This is the exchange ID of the exchange the Tie Cable and Tie Pair terminate within TIE_CABLE_ID: This is the Tie Cable ID that the Tie Pair terminates on TIE_PAIR_NUMBER: This is the Tie Pair number SERVICE _ID: This is your Service ID that is related to your active/live services e.g. there should be one record for an MPF service and two for an SMPF service. LIJ_STATUS: This shows if the Tie Pair is in a left in status and will be set to either Y/N TIE_PAIR_STATUS: This field provides the Tie Pair Status and can be set to either S=spare N=not spare F=faulty COMMENTS: The comments provide basic information on the Tie Pair
Order Journey SMPF Sim Provide with CP Supplied Tie Pairs Example Slide 17 CP OR ADD ORDER Order “Matched” KCI 1.5 (515) Order “Committed” KCI 2 (520) Order “Completed” KCI 3 (530) Order Pending Order-”Acknowledged” KCI 1 (510) Line Status=“Matched” to the expected exchange Possible LIJ warnings (1884,1885,1886)
Order Journey SMPF Sim Provide with “Dummy” Tie Pairs Example Slide 18 CP OR ADD ORDER Order “Matched” KCI 1.5 (515) Order “Committed” KCI 2 (520) Order “Completed” KCI 3 (530) Order Pending Order-”Acknowledged” KCI 1 (510) OrderStatusUpdate-Amend (540) Amend Order For “Dummy” orders Openreach confirm Tie Pairs after KCI 1.6 Dummy exchange and tie pair details Possible LIJ warnings (1884,1885,1886) Order “Routing Completed” KCI 1.6 (517) Possible LIJ warnings (1884,1885,1886) NEW KCI 1.6, Line status=“Routing completed” Real exchange and tie pairs details New KCI 1.6 (Routing Completed), KCI 1 and 1.5 contain MDFSiteid (albeit with a dummy value until KCI 1.6)
Order Journey MPF Standalone Provide with CP Supplied Example Ties Slide 19 CP OR ADD ORDER Order “Committed” KCI 2 (520) Order “Completed” KCI 3 (530) Order Pending Order-”Acknowledged” KCI 1 (510) KCI1 to return the exchange details Possible LIJ warnings (1884,1885,1886)
Order Journey MPF Standalone Provide with “Dummy” Tie Example Pairs Slide 20 CP OR ADD ORDER Order “Committed” KCI 2 (520) Order “Completed” KCI 3 (530) Order Pending Order-”Acknowledged” KCI 1 (510) OrderStatusUpdate-Amend (540) Amend Order For “Dummy” orders Openreach confirm Tie Pairs after KCI 1.6 Dummy exchange and tie pair details Possible LIJ warnings (1884,1885,1886) Order “Routing Completed” KCI 1.6 (517) Possible LIJ warnings (1884,1885,1886) NEW KCI 1.6, Line status=“Routing completed” Real exchange and tie pairs details New KCI 1.6 (Routing Completed), KCI 1 contain MDFSiteid (albeit with a dummy value until KCI 1.6)
Reference / ResourceHow Does This Help? MPF/SMPF EMP Product Description A product overview of (LLU) MPF and SMPF, including features and benefits. Included references to the FRAMES jumpering activity and the Tie Pair Status Change Report Tie Pair Checker Dialogue Service This Dialogue Service provides you with the facility to query the tie pair status in real time. It also returns the LIJ (Left In Jumper) status if the tie pairs are in a left in state. Dialogue Services Product Guide An overview of the Tie Pair Checker tool as well as other dialogue services which are available to Openreach Customers. eMLC User Guide The eMLC dialogue service enables you to identify line characteristics and other information that may help with the provisioning of your LLU/GEA order. Tie Pair Reconciliation Report Provides a bulk status of all tie cables owned by a particular CP. Available for CPs to download and view via the Openreach Portal. Flexi-Cease Business ProcessAn overview of the Flexi-Cease Business Process. EMP Response Code Sheet The document is regularly updated and provides a comprehensive list of response codes and associated messages that are communicated between the Openreach applications and the CPs for agreed product line processes. Message Codes: 1884, 1885 and 1886 are included within this list. LLU Pricing An up to date price guide for LLU product suite including jumper removal at MDF for LLU MPF/SMPF Products. Appendix Useful References / Resources Slide 21 Please refer to the following references / resources for more detail on the flexi cease subject area. This can be obtained via the Openreach Portal –
Appendix Acronym guide Slide 22 To save repeatedly spelling out the meaning of the acronyms used in this slide deck, we’ve only done so the first time we’ve used them. We’ve reproduced them all here for easy reference. AcronymMeaning B2BBusiness to Business MDFMain Distribution Frame CPCommunication Provider eMLCEnhanced Managed Line Characteristics EMPEquivalence Management Platform KCIKeep Customer Informed LIJLeft In Jumper LLULocal Loop Unbundling MPFMetallic Path Facility SMPFShared Metallic Path Facility URLUniform Resource Locator XMLExtensible Mark-Up Language