BIM building information modelling tools & technology / hannu hannu penttilä helsinki university of technology IFIB university of karlsruhe BIM building information modelling tools & technology
model artifical image/replica from the real world / hannu / bim model artifical image/replica from the real world standard commonly agreed definition of shared rules data exchangee between software applications (programs) DWG AutoCAD’s drawing file BIM Building Information Modelling IFC neutral data exchange format for building information Industrial Foundation Classes
short history of building information modelling | BIM phases by Kari Karstila / Eurostep military technology cencus calculation curiosity: Finnish RATAS robotics digital fabrication US NIST www internet computing standard development: IGES/STEP/PDES digital communication mainframe & mini- computers PC’s IFC, Finnish VERA distribution to practice project webs implementation: pilots, ProIT draughting drawing automation research lab. prototypes VR AR animation entertainment industry, movies 3D-modelling o-o modelling BIM practice data modelling BIM pilots BIM model servers 1980 1990 2000
short history of building information modelling | BIM based on Finnish ProIT-project 2004–06 experiences curiosity & need commitment & will – IT-strategy – national / company implementation & education – project level implementation – personell skills 3D-modelling
short history of building information modelling | BIM based on Finnish ProIT-project 2004–06 experiences owners will implement in contracts curiosity & need project collaboration & discipline is essential key players first others will follow • US GSA • Finnish Senaatti • Skanska commitment & will – IT-strategy – national / company implementation & education – project level implementation – personell skills 3D-modelling learning takes years start from owner & architect architect & design team
Model use & features BIM-based data exchange volume in use production USA Finland BIM-based data exchange volume in use production pilots demos paper & 2D data exchange capability to offer & carry information from a building
From pilots to practice common model servers construction sites productivity 4D structural models quantity take-off environment life cycle-costs maintenance Taloinfo virtual models electricitymodels achievements gains energy light & fluid simulation HVAC-models visualisation performance analysis
software building information modelling
CAD-software product developer application area Allplan Nemetschek building design ArchiCAD Graphisoft architectural design Architectural desktop (ADT) Autodesk architectural design MagiCAD Progman HVAC-design MicroStation Bentley building design Novapoint Novapoint infra-design Revit Autodesk building design Tekla Structures Tekla structural design Vertex Vertex building design ...
BIM-model checkers
BIM-model checkers product developer GRAVIEW Granlund NavisWorks NavisWorks Solibri Model Checker Solibri ...
BIM analyzing & simulation product developer Constructor Graphisoft cost estimation TCM iLink Tocoman cost estimation STAAD Bentley structural statics RIUSKA Granlund performance & energy analysis ...
BIM analyzing & simulation product developer Constructor Graphisoft cost estimation TCM iLink Tocoman cost estimation STAAD Bentley structural statics RIUSKA Granlund performance & energy analysis ...
BIM-model servers product developer BSPro COM -server Granlund EDMmodelServer EPM- technology Enterprixe model server (no IFC) Enterprixe Eurostep model server (EMS) Eurostep IMSVR SECOM/VTT
Enterprixe model server
from 3D to 4D Enterprixe model server Enterprixe
from 3D to 4D Rogier Jongeling Luleå
case Senaatti Finland started piloting 2000...01 since that co-operative research & piloting with other similar organizations announced official BIM-strategy 12/2006 product model requirements ( now actively... developing guidelines & informing users ”Meaning for designers, builders & users”, public seminar 31.5.2007 after 1.10.2007 ”Senate Properties will start using & requiring BIM & IFC in its projects...”
case GSA General Services Administration, US research & piloting announced official BIM-strategy 2003 BIM requirements ( now actively... developing guidelines & informing users starts requiring BIM/IFC 2007
ProIT–structural component library What ≈200 structural sections, database 2005 How Web-based prototype, new user needs and testing Why Benefits of product modelling
ProIT–structural component library Now Future objectives
ProIT–structural component library Database format property based searches links to other databases (Rasi, TarviketietoNet, LifePlan) different user views harmonizing content with RT-types harmonizing content with new Talo 2000 system
ProIT–structural component library Pick all external walls that have U-value better than 0,24 Search by properties (U-value, fire class, noise insulation, thickness) building components Talo 2000 codes material properties
ProIT–structural component library Talo2000 building component Unique identifier Properties Sub-components (materials) Materials properties
ProIT–structural component library Links to other databases Lifeplan Structural components are linked to TarviketietoNet -database Rasi-code system LifePlan life-cycle database
ProIT–structural component library Possible use cases Designer view Production view Data exchance (XML, PDF, DWG, IFC ...) IFC XML PDF CAD muut tietokannat search & selection of structures validating possibilities property based searches selection of joining structures general product data for contractors CAD-systems, IFC prints, outputs, PDF other databases
Enterprixe model server pilots
Enterprixe model server pilots
IFC industry foundation classes
IFC is strongly related with software applications support IFC- support design software IFC- standard analysis software Jiri Hietanen TTY 2005
IFC is strongly related with software applications users software Nemetschek, ArchiCAD, Revit.. software support for standards standards DWG, DXF, IFC... Jiri Hietanen TTY 2005