系統晶片設計論文報告 An AMBA AHB On-Chip Bus Protocal Checker with Efficient Verification Mechanisms IEICE TRANS.INF.&SYST.,VOL.E93-D,NO.8 AUGUST 2010 指導教授:陳朝烈 第四組.


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Presentation transcript:

系統晶片設計論文報告 An AMBA AHB On-Chip Bus Protocal Checker with Efficient Verification Mechanisms IEICE TRANS.INF.&SYST.,VOL.E93-D,NO.8 AUGUST 2010 指導教授:陳朝烈 第四組 學生:賴昭文 陳衣柔 陳彥仁 陳宗廷

SUMMARY ◦ They propose a rule-based synthesizable AMBA AHB on-chip bus protocol checker which contains 73 related AHB on-chip bus protocol rules to check AHB bus signal behaviors,and two corresponding verification mechanisms,an error reference table (ERT) and a windowed trace buffer,to shorten verification time.

Outline Interduction Related Works AMBA AHB Bus Protocal Checker Module(4/4) Test Case(3/3) Experimental Results Implement schedule Division of Team's work

Interduction For Bus protocol verification,the protocol checking verifies that no bus protocol violations or block-to-block-interconnect violations occurred during simulation. However,many errors may occur in real-time,Thus several commercail verification IPs provide bus protocol checker to solve the problem. The proposed AHB bus protocol checker(called HPChecker) has 73 rules that provide master,slave,bus components,and reset issues.The checking rules are defined in ARM AMBM specification (rev 2.0) and Synopsys AHB verification IP SystemVerilog usermanual(rev 5.60a).

Related Works

AMBA AHB Bus Protocal Checker Module (1/4) The Configuration Register can allow designer to set some parameters,including mask error output,protocol checker enable,and max waiting cycle. Fig.AMBA AHB Bus Protocol Checker

AMBA AHB Bus Protocal Checker Module (2/4) Master related:31 rules Slave related :16 rules Bus Component related: 15 rules,relating to arbiter and decoder System reset related: 11 rules Fig.Protocol Checker

AMBA AHB Bus Protocal Checker Module (3/4) ERT can summarize what errors have been occurred,The ERT can provide the information that the IP violates bus protocol,It can help the designer for debugging early in the early debugging period. Fig.Error Reference Table(ERT)

AMBA AHB Bus Protocal Checker Module (4/4) Fig.The concept of traditional backward tracing and windowed trace buffer Fig.windowed trace buffer

Test Case(1/3)

Test Case(2/3)

Test Case(3/3)

Experimental Results 0.18um TSMC 1P6M process

Conclusion Synthesizable AMBA AHB protocol checker. Contains 73 related bus protocol rules. The HPChecker will record the violating activity.The designer can use software to read these register contents. We can modify the source code of the HPChecker easily and fast. The designer just needs to extend the width of some output signals and modify the memory allocation space of the reference table.

Implement schedule 週數進度週數進度 8 實現一個 debug rule 14 實現一個 debug rule 9 實現 ERT&Config Register 15 整合 AHB Slave Interface 10 實現 windowed Trace Buffer 16 驗證完整系統與統整資料 11 整合 Protocol Checker 17 撰寫實作報告 12 實現一個 debug rule/ 驗證整合 18 發表實作報告 13 實現一個 debug rule

Division of Team's work 賴昭文 -Implement Windowed Trace Buffer 陳衣柔 -Implement Error Reference Table 陳彥仁 -Implement Configuration Register 陳宗廷 -Implement Debug-Rule and Integrate