Models vs. Reality B.F. van Dongen Assistant Professor Eindhoven University of Technology
Process Mining Discovering processes How do people behave? Compliance oriented Where and why do people deviate from standards / rules / regulations? Performance oriented Where are bottlenecks in my processes?
Aligning models to Observed Behavior
Introduction: Alignments Alignments are used for conformance checking Alignments are computed over a trace and a model: −A trace is a (partial) order of activities −A model is a labeled Petri labeled with activities An alignment explains exactly where deviations occur: −A synchronous move mean that an activity is in the log and a corresponding transition was enabled in the model −A log move means that no corresponding activity is found in the model −A model move means that no corresponding activity appeared in the log
Example model: ABDE … … log
Logged “A” aligns nicely to model model: ABDE … … log A A
Logged “B” aligns nicely to model model: ABDE … … log A A B B
Logged “D” does not fit the model model: ABDE … … log A A B BD
“C” was probably executed, but was not logged model: ABDE … … log A A B BD C
Logged “E” aligns nicely to model model: ABDE … … log A A B BD C E E
Alignment shows where deviations occurred model: ABDE … … log A A B BD C E E Alignment: The best way to fit the trace in the model Alignment: The best way to fit the trace in the model
Alignments Alignments specify exactly where deviations occurred when comparing logs to models Alignments can be used for: Fitness/precision computations Performance analysis Model repair... Compliance analysis
Use of alignment techniques in compliance 13 elicit compliance rules formalize compliance rules compliance checking and analysis implement compliance measures compliance improvement ?
Automated compliance checking business process compliance requirement diagnostic information compliance specification compliance checker
Automated compliance checking business process compliance requirement diagnostic information compliance checker Log compliance Petri net pattern alignment A B F F B Ƭ
Specifying Compliance Rules compliance specifier compliance checker rule repository Which compliance pattern? precise Petri net pattern How to prune the Petri net pattern? Log
Elicit Compliance RuleProM6 ( X-ray Patient registration others Patient registration X-Ray Patient registration Compliance Checking Using Conformance Checking Implementation
Conclusions Alignments provide a powerful method to explain where operational processes deviated from models Using the right models, alignments can detect (and predict) possible violations of compliance rules Alignments provide guarantees on non-deviating cases
Future directions Current challenges: 1.Representation and extraction of multi-dimensional event data for deviation detection 2.Representation and management of deviations 3.Detection and diagnosis of deviations 4.Online, real time deviation prediction 5.Integration of prototypes applicable to high-volume data 6.Application on real-life cases